DEAR GOD: Thanks for Being at the Helm of our Life~

 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

that giveth to all men liberally,

and upbraideth not;

and it shall be given him.

 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.

For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea

driven with the wind and tossed.

James 1:5-6 (KJV)


Self control can be a beneficial characteristic in terms of life and all that entails.  When we are “in control” in can mean many things, such as being on schedule with certain aspects of our “everyday tasks.”  Getting up, eating breakfast, going to work, doing chores, etc., all point to “control” in what we undertake during our day.

But, one thing is clear and important to remember, “God is in control” at ALL times.  What does this mean for us?  It means He is on the throne to this very day, as He was since the beginning of time, and always shall be. And, although we have “free choice” in all that we do…it is God who ultimately is in control at the helm of our ship, and in steering us full throttle unto the path of righteousness.  It is up to us to stay on board and not “jump ship” into stormy seas.   He is always in control.

God allows us to make decisions, but He will guide us, yes,  even giving answers, should be ask for them.  Also, the answers come readily when we listen, and obey His commandments.  Finally, place all of our TRUST in Him, and LOVE Him, fully, totally and unconditionally, with all your heart, soul, mind and might! Amen.

Being an “heir” of Christ in terms of redemption, as He is our rightful redeemer and Savior, is an inherent joy that is beyond comprehension.  But, it is a proud status in which faithful followers can rest in. Ask God and you shall receive, trust in Him…and He will guide your paths, and hold fast to your faith, let it be unwavering no matter the circumstances, and you will glide on tranquil waters.

So, although we are in control, it is our LORD who ultimately is in control of everything.  So, the next time you say, “I’m in control” think about it.  Yes, you are, but ARE YOU?

Pick up His book and learn all about His love and commitment to us.  And, remember this, “We NEED HIM, He doesn’t “need” us.  Yes, He loves us, but He isn’t dependent upon us.  We on the other hand NEED HIM and are dependent on Him.  For He is the Vine, and we are the branches.  Without the Vine, the branches will perish!


“Father my Lord and Savior, thank You, for being at the helm, controlling my ship, I give myself to You fully, I pray that others jump onto Your ship, and experience the joy of smooth sailing over stormy seas, I love You, and I thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”