DEAR GOD: Your Word is My All and All~


I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in thy Word.

Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in Thy Word.

Psalm 119:147-148 (KJV)


Whom do you run to when you’re in need of help or comfort? 

Where do you immediately want to go? 

Is it your spouse?

A significant other?

A trusted friend?

A colleague?

Your mom or dad?

A sibling?

Perhaps, at one time or another, it might be all of the above, and the Lord knows, we all need confidants, and trustworthy, and reliable individuals in our life.  However, who is the One constant in your life?  Who is the One that will be there from your first breath, to your last?  Who knows you more than anyone else on earth? Who loves you more than the intensity of a thousand suns? Who loves you more than all of the stars in the Universe? Who loves you unconditionally and freely?

The LORD, our Father, should immediately jump to mind. 

And, it is His Word that brings enormous comfort, and honorable peace to those who obey it, and meditate on it, day and night, and delights in His law, and ways.  When we do, we shall be like trees planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fruit in due season, and the leaves won’t wither or die, but will prosper. (Psalm 1:2-5)

It is His Word, which will unravel the mysteries of what constitutes a life filled with reward, and merit, it is from His Word, and law, that will bring about a transformation of joy and delight. The joy and delight, that ultimately overflows, to all those we come in contact with.  But most especially from within our soul, where joy, and comfort take root.

His Word which shall not return void to the Father,  it does what it says its going to do.  It provides a shield, and a defense, so we can stand against the enemies of this world, and it lends way, to a perfect understanding of His will, and purpose, for our life. (Isaiah 55:11)

God, and His promises, and His peace, are there for us to grasp, embrace, claim and proclaim. If we take the time to get to know Him, and His Word, we will begin to live a life that God intended us to live, while we’re here on earth.

Each one of us has a purpose, doesn’t matter how old, what your education is, what your background is, we all have a purpose, according to HIS PLAN, and His will.  And it’s never too late to start, that’s the best part…it’s never too late to accept Him, love Him, and follow Him while here on earth.

When we get to know Him, and run to Him for answers, and realize that we are not “wise in our own eyes,” and that we need to “trust Him for all things” we will experience joy, delight, and His perfect peace, no matter what we’re going through in our life. (Proverbs 3:5-8) 

He will guide us, lead us, direct us…and we shall have health and prosperity according to His Word and will.

So the next time you feel the need to speak with someone, I invite you to “open His Book of love” and read His Word…then listen, truly listen to what He has to say, Amen!


“Father God, I delight in Your Word, I delight in Your ways, may I be a delight to You in all I do, each and everyday of my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”