DEAR GOD: Postive Influence and Humility~



And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away, Likewise ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder.

Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time. 

I Peter 5:4-6



When around others, do people tend to think of you as a “positive influence” and “role model?”  Or do they steer clear of anything you have to say, or do?

Are you one of the “friends” people can count on through thick and thin, irrespective of the circumstances?  Do you offer up sage advice and provide a cloak of humility when sharing the Word or thoughts of life?

Take for example Hezekiah who had a positive influence on the people of Judah.  He fully understood that if things were to improve, then the people had to set things right with the LORD.  It hasn’t changed today my friends.

In fact, we need to set things right with the LORD more than ever due to the turbulent and virulent happenings in the world. All signs of the times as stated in Revelation…it truly is a time to come forward and hold on to our faith.

Today if things aren’t going well for you, or your family, repent, and get right with the Father. Things will get better when you do.

Jesus always encouraged us in the gospel to be a good influence on others, to set examples, spread the Gospel, and to follow the Father in all we do. Exude humility, and let it drape over you in your countenance, and actions…it will become a soothing balm to all you encounter in your daily journeys of life.

Humble yourself and be exalted; exalt yourself, and prepare to be abased, or brought low by our Father above. Humility is the essence of a universal language that transcends time, it uplifts, it encourages and it pleases our Lord Almighty greatly.

When we meditate on His Word, follow His light by example, and obedience, and offer ourselves willingly to fulfill the purpose of His will for our life, we are clothing ourselves with powerful weapons of defense.  And it is a bold statement to the “enemy” that we are following One Master only.

Resist the enemy, embrace your faith, don’t allow the world to influence you, stay within the confines of our Father, and be prepared for a successful life, to be followed by rewards after we are through here on earth, our crown as we enter eternal bliss with our Father in Heaven. Amen.


“Father God, may I always be an example of hope, encouragement, light, and support to those in need, to those hurting, and to those who need love, I humble myself to You Father God, today, tomorrow, always and forever, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”