DEAR GOD: I love to Be Alone With YOU~








Matthew 14:22-23

 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,




We all need time to replenish, to recoup, to fill our souls…and that time is well spent with the LORD.

It is when we spend time with Him that we are given all that we need to get through another day, irrespective of the circumstances.

We all need someone, and something in our lives that is super critical and irreplaceable…and that someone…is our Father above.

He is the One that brings all and gives all and provides all, while bathing us with His love and peace.

Sure we have different roles and different people in our life that are important and vitally critical to our ratio of things in which we live.  People like our parents, spouses, children, pets, friends, church, etc.

But it is only God that can fulfill, bring purpose and portion to our lives in which to generate growth, and factor His love into our existence through the people we meet, and the people we love.  It is God who facilitates and orchestrates our capacity in which we live and love.  Only Him.

Consider that Jesus went off to “pray and be alone” with His Father ( Mark 1:35)

Well, I ask you this, if Jesus needed time to replenish and to communicate and pray, and spend alone time with His Father, isn’t that enough for us to do the same?  We who are no where in the same capacity or equation as Jesus, we who are sinners, and sinners that He saved…isn’t it only fitting that we do the same?  Spend time alone with our Father?

When we spend time alone with the LORD, something essentially begins to happen. We grow closer to Him, we become immersed in His Word, and adapt to a totally new and joyful way of living.  We are enveloped in His care and love.

We get  “ears” and “eyes” to fully absorb His ways and thoughts, and commandments, where it takes us to a point of deeper understanding.  We then become able to ascertain quite readily what is “right and wrong”  and stay within the confines of His righteousness.  (Psalm 91) We  become keenly susceptible to His love and His protection.

Have you spent time with Him today?

Have you given yourself to Him?

Have you told Him you love Him?

Have you opened His love letter to us today?

If not, “what are you waiting for?”

As Jesus did, go off somewhere today and spend time with Him…and then pay special attention to the joy that will fill your heart! I tell you this, it is a feeling that is like none that you have ever felt before, or ever will again.

Walk in the spirit and perform in the spirit, and give all the glory and honor to Him, now and always.  For He Reigns Victorious!  Amen!


“Father, I love You, and I love spending time alone with You, I am selfish in that purpose, spending time with You is my joy, my everything, as You are my everything, thank You for loving me, and for guiding me, and being my Rock and Sanctuary,  May others know the joy of loving You and getting to know You, may others who are in the dark come to Your glorious light, thank You Father for all You are and all You do, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Psalm 91:1

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.



Mark 1:35-37

 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.