DEAR GOD: You Hear All Our Prayers~






1 John 5:14 (KJV)

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

Proverbs 28:9 9 (NIV)

If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.


God hears us when we call out to Him, and He hears us when we are silent in our heart.  He knows what we need even before we are aware of what we need.

Believing in Him when all else fails, is faith.  No matter what is happening around us, when we believe, and hold justly to our faith, it will sustain us through whatever capacity in which we seek, or need.

Yesterday was a rough day, there were issues and scenarios taking place within my circle of family and friends, it seemed everyone I knew and loved was going through a harsh time.  Prayers were offered up by friends and family, and prayer warriors…and God heard…because almost all of which we were praying for resolved and is now  past the crisis stage.  So, let me just shout and praise Him by saying, “GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!”  Amen.

Conspiring against one another in a world of such extremes is not just, nor right, nor worthy of  our breath or thoughts.  Instead, we must strive toward righteousness in unison, and pray for one another, and faith and prayers with the grace of God, will get us through another minute, hour, day…or moment in time.

And, time here on earth is fleeting, but in Eternity, all we have is time…and plenty of it.  How does forever sound?

So, until then…keep running the race and keep praying and believing, because we are children of the greatest living and loving God, and each moment we are here on earth, He loves and guides us, so let’s give Him thanks and glory, now and forever in Jesus name.
