DEAR GOD: Praise You and Praise You Always~

Psalm 86:12 12

I will praise you, LORD my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.



Sitting in my car waiting for my husband to finish an errand, I watched people come and go.  Most of the people had cell phones in their hands, texting and walking, and this was more prevalent among the “younger set” but still it was evident that all ages were guilty of the same “addiction.”

I’m not saying anything “against texting” — except when driving—but it had become somewhat of a serious addiction for many.  My sister is one of the “guilty ones” who seems to send me about 100 texts a day!  And, I have many friends who are in the same category.

As for me…I have no interest in texting beyond the “norm” just to say hello, perhaps inform an individual of something special happening, or ask for a prayer.  I’m really not a fan of social media, in fact, I shy away from it.

It’s amazing how addicted the world is with social platform.  Again…not saying anything about this other than it is an addiction for many.  If only some of those highly addicted with this tendency would turn “this toward the LORD” and in its place give Him Praise Praise and more Praise.

I suppose many do a lot of Praising to the LORD during the day, and ostensibly, many do not.  I pray that these individuals would turn more of their attention toward the One who matters…The LORD Almighty.

God still delivers, He still calms the stormy seas,  He still does it all!

He is our Captain.

He is our Rock.

He is our Everything.

Praise to the LORD, He still does it all.

He still delivers.

Try putting down your cell phones for a moment and spend some of your time with the One who loves you more than anything or anyone in this world.  Go on, make HIS DAY!

“Dear LORD, thank You for being in control at all times, thank You for being my Rock, thank You for doing it all, and thank You for still loving me, no matter what, big or small, You sill do it all, and You still deliver!  Thank You, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: I love to Be Alone With YOU~








Matthew 14:22-23

 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.

After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,




We all need time to replenish, to recoup, to fill our souls…and that time is well spent with the LORD.

It is when we spend time with Him that we are given all that we need to get through another day, irrespective of the circumstances.

We all need someone, and something in our lives that is super critical and irreplaceable…and that someone…is our Father above.

He is the One that brings all and gives all and provides all, while bathing us with His love and peace.

Sure we have different roles and different people in our life that are important and vitally critical to our ratio of things in which we live.  People like our parents, spouses, children, pets, friends, church, etc.

But it is only God that can fulfill, bring purpose and portion to our lives in which to generate growth, and factor His love into our existence through the people we meet, and the people we love.  It is God who facilitates and orchestrates our capacity in which we live and love.  Only Him.

Consider that Jesus went off to “pray and be alone” with His Father ( Mark 1:35)

Well, I ask you this, if Jesus needed time to replenish and to communicate and pray, and spend alone time with His Father, isn’t that enough for us to do the same?  We who are no where in the same capacity or equation as Jesus, we who are sinners, and sinners that He saved…isn’t it only fitting that we do the same?  Spend time alone with our Father?

When we spend time alone with the LORD, something essentially begins to happen. We grow closer to Him, we become immersed in His Word, and adapt to a totally new and joyful way of living.  We are enveloped in His care and love.

We get  “ears” and “eyes” to fully absorb His ways and thoughts, and commandments, where it takes us to a point of deeper understanding.  We then become able to ascertain quite readily what is “right and wrong”  and stay within the confines of His righteousness.  (Psalm 91) We  become keenly susceptible to His love and His protection.

Have you spent time with Him today?

Have you given yourself to Him?

Have you told Him you love Him?

Have you opened His love letter to us today?

If not, “what are you waiting for?”

As Jesus did, go off somewhere today and spend time with Him…and then pay special attention to the joy that will fill your heart! I tell you this, it is a feeling that is like none that you have ever felt before, or ever will again.

Walk in the spirit and perform in the spirit, and give all the glory and honor to Him, now and always.  For He Reigns Victorious!  Amen!


“Father, I love You, and I love spending time alone with You, I am selfish in that purpose, spending time with You is my joy, my everything, as You are my everything, thank You for loving me, and for guiding me, and being my Rock and Sanctuary,  May others know the joy of loving You and getting to know You, may others who are in the dark come to Your glorious light, thank You Father for all You are and all You do, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Psalm 91:1

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.



Mark 1:35-37

 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

DEAR GOD: You Hear All Our Prayers~






1 John 5:14 (KJV)

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:

Proverbs 28:9 9 (NIV)

If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.


God hears us when we call out to Him, and He hears us when we are silent in our heart.  He knows what we need even before we are aware of what we need.

Believing in Him when all else fails, is faith.  No matter what is happening around us, when we believe, and hold justly to our faith, it will sustain us through whatever capacity in which we seek, or need.

Yesterday was a rough day, there were issues and scenarios taking place within my circle of family and friends, it seemed everyone I knew and loved was going through a harsh time.  Prayers were offered up by friends and family, and prayer warriors…and God heard…because almost all of which we were praying for resolved and is now  past the crisis stage.  So, let me just shout and praise Him by saying, “GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!”  Amen.

Conspiring against one another in a world of such extremes is not just, nor right, nor worthy of  our breath or thoughts.  Instead, we must strive toward righteousness in unison, and pray for one another, and faith and prayers with the grace of God, will get us through another minute, hour, day…or moment in time.

And, time here on earth is fleeting, but in Eternity, all we have is time…and plenty of it.  How does forever sound?

So, until then…keep running the race and keep praying and believing, because we are children of the greatest living and loving God, and each moment we are here on earth, He loves and guides us, so let’s give Him thanks and glory, now and forever in Jesus name.


DEAR GOD: Thank You for Your Guidance~







 Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.

Isaiah 30:21 




Did you ever do something and think to yourself, “Hmmm-why did I just do that?”  

Be it a compassionate act, or a road that you didn’t mean to turn down, that could be the Holy Spirit guiding you.

Many  years ago, I recall my sister had a “Hmmm-why did I just do that?” moment.  She  turned unto a highway for a reason that was unbeknownst to her at the time.  She usually traveled through the back roads and liked the peaceful ride.  Well she didn’t think much of it and went on with her day.  Later on the news reported that there had been flash floods continuously on the path she usually took.  She took a deep breath and got on her knees to give Praise and thanks to the LORD for His guidance.  That “Hmmm-Why did I just do that?” moment turned out to be a “God moment.”  Amen!

As we make a conscious effort to follow His voice, and meditate on His Word, we are all able to be in touch with Him, and His guidance.  It’s a matter of obeying and “hearing” what He tells us to do. And then following through, because after all, He only wants what is best for us.

So, the next time you do something that has you thinking “Hmmm-Why did I just do that?”  Don’t think…just do!


“Dear God, thank You for Your ever present love and guidance, You are my Rock and Savior, help me to continue to hear Your voice and obey You in all that I do, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Joy in my Relationship with You~



Romans 14:17

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Joy in the LORD is different than joy from the “world.”

Joy in things that are irrelevant to heaven, items of materialistic gains, or money…that is circumstances.  And, circumstances can be dire as well, and most people won’t have joy in that kind of scenario.  However, Joy…in the LORD is overflowing and in abundance, and that never changes.

Circumstances come and go.  Scenarios wane and increase, both good and bad…but, they change.  The love of the LORD is never changing, and ever present, as is the Holy Spirit within. The joy of the LORD is glorious and infinite and powerfully compelling in force and gentle in emotions.

When we rejoice in the LORD, no matter the circumstances of “life in the flesh” we are establishing bonds and creating paths of righteousness that the LORD has provided for us to walk upon.  Our relationship wit Him is a bond that neither man nor situation can change.  Nothing can tear us away from Him, our Lord and Savior, our Sovereign and Mighty God.  The One and only who can provide life, and take it away, the only One that can raise up, or bring down, the only One who can hurt, and heal…Amen.

The joy of being in a relationship with the LORD counts for all things.  Only He can provide Joy and peace, for He is Peace.

The joy of being in a relationship with the LORD counts for all things. Only He can provide and sustain us with a Love overflowing.

He is forever.

He is always.


The intricate chains of love circle within us, for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The Cord of three…Amen.

Never to be separated, nor ripped away from His hands of love.

Today, is my Birthday and the date of my Mother’s death; yet I find it comforting she went home to the LORD on my  Birthday.

I find it to be the best birthday present the LORD ever gave me.

The best Mom I could have ever had.

Mom delivered me this day, all those years ago…and then the LORD delivered her home today on my birthday, for all eternity where we will see each other again, and never have to say goodbye again. Special connection for life!

So, thank You LORD for being YOU.

Thank You for Loving me.

And, thank You for allowing me to LOVE YOU and feel the joy of Your Spirit from within.




“Dear Father, may all of Your children know the joy of loving You, and the joy of You loving them, may they embrace You and obey You, and follow the light, giving You all glory, honor and victory now and always, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”



DEAR GOD: Love and Love and More Love~






Ephesians 4:2-3 

Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”  “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

1 Peter 4:8:

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

John 15:12:

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”



For me, the definition of love is many, and almost everyone will have a different aspect or view of love, or what love is when asked.  But, for me…the one that stands out above all else is the One Being whom I define as LOVE and that, of course, is the LORD.

We have all kinds of compartments within us that have the capacity in which to love, and various ways in which to love. There is the love between siblings, the love between friends, the love between colleagues, the love between fellow Christians, or those of faith, the love between aunts, uncles, cousins,  or family so to speak, the love of a mother, the love of a father, and the love of being a “fur parent.”

And, then there is the consummate and proverbial all time love that exists between the you and the LORD.  That to me is the definitive and the one LOVE that stands out in my mind.

To love is to be Christ-like.

To love is to be humble.

To love is to be kind.

To love is to be compassionate.

To love is to be filled with light.

To love is to be filled with the Word.

To love is to be multi-tasked in relationships.

To love is to know God.

And LOVE is GOD.

Remember the love of God in all we encounter each and everyday.

And, remember the love of God in the journey of life in which we travel.

And, remember the love of God that is inside of us, the Holy Spirit.

And, remember the Son, who loved us to die for us and save us.

And,most especially,  remember, the LORD who  loved us so much, He gave His Son for us. (John 3:16)


“Father thank You for Your love and Your unending compassion and grace, thank You for being with me and never leaving me ever, I love You now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Perfect Peace~

Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.  Philippians 4:6 (KJV)


It’s quite easy to become “anxious” about certain situations that tend to arise in our life.  These anxious moments can be long time coming, or seemingly come out of nowhere lending way to feelings of angst and despair that can hamper our quality of life. When these moments arrive, and they will, RUN don’t walk, to the LORD.  He is the panacea for all of our issues at hand.  He is the balm for our very souls, and He is the Master of all probability no matter the odds.

He is the only One that can bring “inner peace” to our turmoil, and He alone is our reason for “tranquility” in the midst of a “storm.”

He is the One that we can trust.

Don’t trust man, or princes, but trust God. (Psalm 118:8)

We are like a green olive tree when we put our trust in the mercy of God forever and ever. (Psalm 52:8 KJV)

Opening up to the LORD for His favor and mercy and trusting in Him with all of our heart and soul, will open paths of righteousness and guide us forever more.  When we lean not on our own devices or understanding, and we recognize that we can’t do anything by ourselves, and love Him fully, and keep from evil, it will be health to our body and bones.  (Proverbs 3:5-8)

Meditate on His Word, worship Him exclusively, concentrate on Him, instead of your own problems, it will wash away the chaos bubbling from within.  The more we seek His face, and His Kingdom, the more rewards and tranquility we will receive.  And lastly, knowing that He is with us ALWAYS even until the end of this age, (Matthew 28:20)— is an overwhelmingly soothing, and pleasant feeling is it not?  Amen!


“Dear Father, thank You for Your guidance, and Your love, and Your temperance in all things that transpire in my life, I love You and You get all the glory and honor and dominion and victory, no matter what, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.”




Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (KJV)