DEAR GOD: In Your Presence is Joy~

On Fire for The LORD!







Now we have received, not the spirit of the world,

but the Spirit who is from God,

that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. 

1 Corinthians 2:12




The Holy Bible, that is to say, “God’s Voice and Word” tells us over and over to enjoy His presence.

Ecclesiastes 2:26  tells us, “For God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy to a man who is good in His sight” — 

So—then the question becomes this: “Why then do so many individuals fail to enjoy and really bask in God’s presence?

The answers can be multi-layered:

First:  They don’t really know Him.  They may see God as this “huge unapproachable and untouchable invisible ominous force that cares little for His very creations.  And, my friends, nothing could be further from the truth!  For our Father desires a close and intimate relationship with His children. It’s when we fail to realize the enormity of His love and the depth and heights of His love that makes us miss a “blessing or two or three…or endless ones.”

He speaks to us today as He did in ancient days to His ancient people.  He exclaims, “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore wit loving kindness I have drawn you” —-(Jeremiah 31:3)

Second:  Individuals might have a distorted view of God’s demeanor/attitude.  Our Father is not a legalistic God.  Our Father isn’t hiding behind bushes seeking to strike you down, nor enjoying your failures.  He isn’t sitting watching and scrutinizing your actions or motives so He can ultimately condemn you.  Instead He sent His Son Jesus to set us free! (John 8:32)   Our loving Father didn’t send His Son into this world to condemn all those in it, but that the world through Jesus Christ, His Son might be saved. (John 3:17)

Third:  These individuals might be afraid of Him. God calls us to reverence His holiness, but NEVER to be afraid of Him. Again, this is why He so often will tell His people, “Do not be afraid!” (Genesis 15:1; Joshua 8:1; Luke 1:30)

Fourth:  Sin breaks the fellowship God wants us to enjoy exclusively with Him! It can block God’s best for us, and it will undoubtedly eliminate joy. When we push away “sin” we are in a sublime position for God’s full blessings.  He will restore and bring us to pristine purpose according to His will for our lives.

Fifth: Individuals may refuse to believe  that God  truly “Loves them” or “not worthy” of His love. They refuse God’s acceptance of them.  Remember this– God loves us UNCONDITIONALLY and it is NEVER ENDING.  He LOVES YOU — He LOVES ME!  Amen!

So, how do we begin to really rejoice and enjoy God, our loving Abba Father?

Well for starters, understand that He wants to be with us.

Then really get to know Him.

Read His Word.

Hear His voice,

and trust Him.

The more time you spend with Him, and begin to trust Him the more joy you will feel.

And the more time you spend with Him, the deeper your love will be for Him.

And, then get ready for the single most beautiful all powerful consuming love story you will ever possibly know or could ever possibly experience!  


“Father God, thank You for Your unconditional love, grace and acceptance of Your children, no matter where they are, or how they look, or what they’ve done, or failed to have done, thank You for loving us…thank You for loving ME…in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen”