DEAR GOD: Our Truth Love & Grace~




Truth in Love & Grace~



And, the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” 

John 1:14 NKJV




Whatever our Savior Jesus expressed, it was always done with grace, love, and truth.  His words touched those that were near, and those that were far, when He walked amongst us.  His words, and ways, continue touching and healing hearts to this very moment.

Jesus was not gracious for just a moment in time, but every second of His time was loving, kind and filled with truth.  Truth is a “painful thing” for some. Sometimes we don’t want to face the truth, or hear the truth.  But, as it is said, “the truth will set you free.”  And, Jesus has set us free by coming, and defeating death.  Our very author of salvation cleansed us with His purity and His blood that was shed for all.

The world is in chaos, and the enemy seems to be having a field day…especially these past several weeks. confusion is” knocking” on many doors.  And, the advice Jesus would probably offer is “don’t open the door.” God is not the creator of confusion, pain, or jarring images.  He is the creator of peace with love and powerful tranquility.  So, “fear not, be filled with good cheer, and go forward in His love, peace, and prosperity,” and rest in the LORD, for He is good!  All the time HE is good!



“Father, thank You for Your peace and truth, but most especially for Your great love that set us free, in Jesus Christ powerful name, Amen.”




Final Thoughts:


Do not fear and don’t be discouraged. God is in full control, now as He was in the beginning, and always will be. He fulfilled the scriptures in setting us free, and we are washed clean. Rejoice, for the King loves us, always. Embrace the love and peace, and be  greatly blessed!

