“Do not Judge, or you too will be judged”

Matthew 7:1


 “Our Father who art in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for the Kingdom and the power and glory are yours, now and forever,  Amen.”




I overheard someone chastising another individual in the store I was shopping in, and it was very uncomfortable to hear and witness.  The individual was judging the other one who was quiet and teary eyed.  The person kept repeating, “You shouldn’t do that, you always do that. You always do things wrong, you should go to a class in college and try to improve yourself. Your personality is gruff, and you are a difficult person to be around.”  It went on and on.

I said a prayer for that person being “verbally attacked and judged” and also for the “judging one” doing the damage.

Jesus said, “do not judge lest you be judged…”  And, that’s all I could think of for the rest of my shopping trip.

When we are with others, God wants us to be part of a uniformed body uplifting one another, and building each other up, encouraging, offering counseling where needed, and friendship unconditionally.

So even if someone is difficult, or stubborn, or hard to listen to at times…judge not and call on the fruits of the Spirit to help with the situation at hand.

A little bit of kindness tolerance and patience…along with love go a long long way.

And, it will make Jesus very happy indeed!

So, “give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.”

“Father God, help us to be gentle and kind to one another, and to remember we are all the same, and no one is better than the other, show us the way, and help us to never judge one another, in Jesus name, Amen.”