DEAR GOD: Our Refuge & Fortress~

gates of GodI will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.

(Psalm 91:2 KJV)




God offers us peace in all that we do.  He is our refuge throughout our daily activities of life.  As we go through life it’s His hands and His strength that enables us to go through it with an inner peace.

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.  (Psalm 55:22)
Jesus is our eternal Friend and Savior and as such will always protect us.  We can seek shelter in His arms.  He will ease our burdens when we lay them at His feet.  His yoke is easy and light, and He will help us in all aspects of our lives.
As humans we will ALL eventually experience “tough times“–however, it’s when the walls of adversity hits us and how we handle it that will separate those of faith to those without.  Jesus is the one that tells us to “lay our burdens at His feet” and to accept “His yoke” –and when we do…Praise God, it’s so much easier to maintain an inner sanctuary of strength and determination through Christ our Lord.
Life is a series of ups & downs.  Life is as a kaleidoscope, ever changing, fascinating, colorful, spectacular, and intricate. Life is a mountain one moment…you’re high atop it, and the next moment you’re at the bottom of the valley.  But, with each changing moment it’s so much easier with God in your corner.  God never vacillates, He is a pillar of strength, our rock, and our refuge, in terms of our fate, and His promises. He is our sanctuary, and His gates are open to provide all that we need.

A believer who trusts in the Lord will receive the peace that Isaiah 26:3 promises. But unshakable peace doesn’t happen instantaneously;  it is procured through a consistent relationship with God. A lifestyle of dependence upon Him is the key to weathering storms with supernatural calm. A relationship with God through prayer, meditation, trust, and total surrender, while seeking His face through every area of your life, is the very components in which to maintain, and build upon, in order to reach the spectrum of His refuge within His Sanctuary of peace.  It is the optimum promise in which we all should seek to receive. The full obedience and love to our Father which will bring about rewards that are undeniable, until your cup runneth over in love, peace.

How wonderful to know that we’re in His mighty, capable, and loving hands.  So,be happy and of good cheer, and most especially… have no fear for the Lord is with you…Amen~

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (Isaiah 26:3 KJV)

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord   (Jeremiah 1:8 KJV)




Heavenly gates and landscape by our Magnificent Creator and loving God Almighty:
***Picture captured by Scott Birge