DEAR GOD: Your Word Your Will Your Love~

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect,thoroughly furnished onto all good works.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (KJV)






The Word is divine inspiration by GOD, and therefore ours to follow, should we wish to walk in favor in God’s eyes, and experience love, and eternal life and rewards.



When I read the Bible I hear God’s voice.

It is His and His Word that centers and grounds me in all that I do.  I know that I wouldn’t survive a minute in this world, or in my life without knowing He is with me always.  And, His Word tells me so.   “…And, lo I am with you always, even until the end  of the world.” – Matthew 28:20

The Bible is written by individuals instructed and guided by the Lord, it is the divine inspiration of those He chose to bring it to fruition.  It is the Word of the LORD by those who adhered to His voice, His ways, and His will.  And, it was fulfilled by Jesus Christ of all that told of the Messiah coming from the Old Testament, and the continuance of the Messiah into the New Testament, as it was told in detail by the disciples in the four gospels.

As I read the passages and grasp the meaning behind the Words, it comes alive, and it grows deeper within my heart.  I love to say that the Word is “pregnant” because it never stops growing… and as I nurture it…it blossoms, and bounds to life within, stirring MY spirit to higher heights, and realms,  thus bringing me closer to God and His love.

Staying in His Word protects and garners feelings of security knowing that His promises are true.  That He is there no matter what the circumstances may be, and that He will uphold and guide and love unconditionally.

What do you feel and hear when you read His Word?

If you haven’t been in His Word, what’s holding you back?

If you’d like peace, and security and love like you’ve never known…

…may I suggest the Gospel of John for starters?

Now, there is a love story for the heart.

For never in the history of time, has there ever been a greater, or bigger love story, than the story of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ.



“Father God, thank You for Your Word, guidance, protection, and Your unsurpassed love, may I aspire to all things according to Your will, in Jesus name, Amen.”