DEAR GOD: I am Alert Through Your Word~









Be alert and of sober mind.

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 

1 Peter 5:8



Jesus warns us to be aware and diligent in our pursuit of daily life and our activities.  We are to walk on a path of righteous behavior in accordance to His will and plans for us, however, we are to be “watching” and aware of things in direct conflict of His Word and gospel.


In other words, there are so many things that can try to “strangle us” in attempts of daily life.  What I mean to say is…innocent things can pull us in, like engaging in “gossip” with an old friend.  The enemy loves us to gossip and malign our sisters and brothers, and loves when we bear false witness against them.

Or when we sit down to a quiet night of television viewing.  I immediately sense if the program is not of interest to me or my “spirit within.”  I feel uneasy and long to change the channel quickly.  I often ask, and I am serious, this is not a lark, —“Would Jesus want to watch this program?  Is there anything in it that would offend Him or my Father in heaven?”   That truly puts the kabosh on several things that many people would think “ah, it’s only a show…we have got to live and not be so zealous”  — Fine.  If that’s what you choose to do, it’s not what I choose to do.

It’s best to be with those of similar interests that we have.  Yes, we are called upon to “help those in darkness” and bring them the “Word” –but to mingle with “friends” who do things in a way that is offensive or in contrary to what I believe in…I just don’t go there anymore.

When someone comes to the LORD there is a “pulling away” a “coming out” if you will…that speaks to our hearts.  Things we liked in the past is no longer interesting.  Shows we watched prior are now offensive to us.  Even certain foods I no longer enjoy (that’s my choice)

Be aware.  Jesus wants us to go out but be aware.  Be diligent.  Be loving, but wary.  Be kind, but firm.   Most important, Be wise, and nobody’s fool, as you walk through life in terms of Christ.

In other words, “feed”  be kind.

Love and be wise.

Watch and be wary.

And, be an example to all you come in contact with.

Finally, give all the Victory and Glory and Honor and Power to the One and Only King of kings and Lord of Lords.  Amen!


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,

and comes down from the Father of lights,

with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

James 1:17 NKJV