DEAR GOD: Nothing Will Separate Me From Your Love~


For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8: 38 – 39 – (King James Version)


I was in attendance at a mandatory meeting when I witnessed certain individuals  who had started topics that escalated into a war of words.  I felt in my heart of hearts that the conversation would take a turn into stormy waters, as the group were clearly divided in political views, along with religious ones.

The comments were jarring at times and I held my tongue and wasn’t about to become embroiled in a volley of invectives  that could lead to stellar proportions of separation.

I began to walk away slowly, when one of the individuals called to me, “What’s wrong? Afraid you can’t defend your views?  Or afraid you can’t defend your God?  Which one is it?”

I paused and prayed silently for wisdom and guidance from the Spirit and simply answered, “Neither.”

The people seemed intrigued by my response as they stopped speaking and watched me, intently in fact.

Then someone said, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

I responded, “Just that.  I don’t have to defend my beliefs or my God.  I merely have to live my life according to my beliefs and my God and all else will fall into place. He’s in control.  Not me, nor you. Simple.  Nothing more, nothing less. God is in control. He even knew this conversation was going to take place before you did, or I did.”

One woman a confirmed atheist said, “If he’s in control, how come so many people are always arguing?”

I answered, “That’s not God’s voice one of chaos and disarray. God’s voice is soft, peaceful and unified in love. God is the Author of peace.”

The atheist said, “And you believe this because?  Where is there proof of God?”

My response, “In the air, in the water, in the flowers, in a child’s laugh, in a new born baby puppy, in the green meadows, He’s everywhere, and all that was created is by Him and for Him things were made.”

She looked at me and said, “Where’s proof in that?”

My reply, “My Dear young lady, where’s your proof that there’s not?”

No one answered…it got very silent.  And I made my exit gracefully and slipped away to the other side of the room where it was a lot less contentious.

I will never be separated from God ever!

It’s my choice to follow Him, love Him, honor Him, obey Him and His commandments, and be a watch person for others.

He wants us to warn others, to watch for signs of things to come, to be aware.  But, to know, we have nothing to worry about, for He is in control. Always.

Separate myself from God?

A preposterous notion.

The answer is Never.

And the best part of all—

He is never separated from us!

Amen and Praise you LORD!


Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. 

Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV