DEAR God: Blocking out the Noise with Your Word~

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“He who has ears, let him hear.”  

Matthew 13:9


“Sorry I don’t have the time right now.”

Excuse number one.

“Oh, I have something going on this morning, and then an appointment in the afternoon.”

Excuse number two.

“I can’t!  I have calls to make, things to do, people to see.”

Excuse number three.

“I wish there were more than twenty-four hours in the day, I can’t do everything in one day! – Maybe later.”

Excuse number four.

And, so it goes, and so it goes.

Sound familiar?  

Well, in this world, and the inherent pace in which we “tap dance” our way through life, it seems impossible to do all of what we need to do in one day.  Some individuals have children, and a job to get to.  Some people, are single with children, and have no time to themselves. Still others may be disabled, and have exceeding difficultly getting around, and find it hard to set aside time to reflect or meditate on His Word given the pain they’re in.

All of the responses above are answers some of us might give to “GOD” when we push aside His Word, and His voice, and His love when He calls out to us. When He calls for us to “spend time with Him alone” each and every day.

The “world” is filled with “noise” and  lofty distractions that seek to pull us from our Father.

The enemy loves to engage us in daily practices of “disobeying” and “ignoring” God.

Sometimes… if we’re in so much pain, emotionally or physically, we find that our discomfort “chokes” the Word of God.  It happens, to the best of those following in Christian faith.  It can happen and this is where we need to “take notice” and “block the noise” in the powerful name of Christ by reaching out to the Father!

This is when we need to reach for our Bible, for His beautiful and soothing Voice, and cry out to Him.

This is where we say, “Father I choose You and Your strength”

This is where we shout, “You get ALL THE GLORY and VICTORY no matter what Father God!”

This is when we “mute the world” and “turn the speakers up” for the Father’s Voice! Amen!

No matter where we are, no matter what we’re going through, no matter the load we carry…lay it down and bring it to the LORD.

His voice and His love will sustain and protect us from the “ugly sounds” of the world.

Try it today and see how “beautiful the world can be”   by listening to His voice.

Try it today and see how “beautiful the world can be” through His eyes and love.



“Father God, thank You for Your sustaining and unconditional voice of love and reason, and for Your promises, You are all that I need, now and always,  I rebuke the world’s noise over my life, and know I am protected by the blood and  Your love in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”





*Picture courtesy of Pinterest – does not belong to me.