DEAR GOD: Serving You and Pleasing You~

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:

for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)



“Thy hands have made me and fashioned me” as the verse from Psalm 119:75 goes. And, in Revelation 4:11, it is told that the LORD is worthy to receive glory and honor and power, for “thou hast created all things, and for they pleasure they are and were created.”

Our mighty Creator created us because of His love, and we and all things were created by the Master of the Universe…for His pleasure.

The questions we should ponder in our minds is:  What are we doing to honor Him?  How are we showing Him honor?  And, are we going forth in such a manner that glorifies Him?”

Most of us attend church weekly,  donate to a favorite charity, and then go on with our lives thinking that “I’m okay, that’s all I have to do. I fulfill my obligations in so doing.”

Well…hold on a second now.  There is a little bit of a knot in the rope so to speak.  Yes, all of the above is a good thing, but it is how we conduct the rest of our week, and how we fill our days that matters.  And, most important, how we “glorify God” and how we “love Him” in our hearts, while giving Him the victory, and being a witness for Him, through our actions, to others that really brings Him pleasure.

For Thou has created ALL things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Yes, we were created for His pleasure.

Are we doing things that please Him?

Are we meditating on His word in our hearts?

Are we extending the joy of “knowing Him” to others in our thoughts, words and actions?”

When we drive by a homeless person and feel a “tug” in our hearts.  That’s the Holy Spirit.

When we see someone hurting and needing a hug, and feel a “tug” in our hearts.  That’s the Holy Spirit.

When someone is distraught, or grieving, and need someone to listen, or hold their hand, and you feel a “tug” in your heart. That’s the Holy Spirit.

When you do a righteous deed and you feel peace, joy and a tremendous amount of satisfaction. That’s the Holy Spirit rejoicing within you.

Congratulations, when you feel that feeling of joy, peace, satisfaction…You’ve pleased Him, and are being a vessel in His will for your life.


Feeling a tug in your heart today?” 

Great…Listen to the Holy Spirit within…and set out to please Him.

In this way you are giving Him all the glory, Honor, and being a witness for others at His magnificence!



“Father God, may we always be pleasing in Your eyes in all that we do, all that we say, and may our hearts reflect our love for You, through our actions towards others, today and always, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”