DEAR GOD: Yours Alone~

All those the Father gives Me will come to Me,

and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away.

John 6:37


When we hear His voice and follow Him we are part of His fold, and those that know His voice follow Him, and He knows those who do.  So, when we willingly choose to go with Him, we are one with Him, and He accepts us into His fold and protects, leads, guides. He will “never turn us away” and will love us unconditionally.

As we go through our life here on earth we are called to be examples to those around us, to embrace the gospel of Christ in all that we do, all that we endeavor to take on, each and every moment of our life.  For those who walk in the darkness, we are given the responsibility to try and “shine His light” into their lives.  We are not the ones in control, the LORD is in control, and ultimately the seeds we sow will be up to the LORD is they sprout and grow.  He will provide the water.  We need to spread the seeds in the soil, and depending on the situation and whether or not the person will accept those seeds and choose Christ is up to God.

Follow His heart with your own heart.

Follow His voice and listen attentively.

Follow His ways and lead by example.

Follow Him and graze in His pasture.


The LORD is with us always, even until the end of time.

Simple, loving facts.  Christ is Lord of lords, King of kings, and Savior of all.   However, we have to CHOOSE Him, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.  When we do, sit back and watch how your life will be transformed into the light and love of His presence.

