DEAR GOD: With Thanks to You in all I do~






“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17


Got up this morning?—        “Thank You Lord, for this day.”

Finished your breakfast?—  “Thank You Lord for thy provisions.”

Paying your bills?  —-           “Thank You Lord for the ability and grace to pay these bills.”

Driving to do errands?—        “Thank You Lord for being able to drive and for getting me there safely.”

Speaking to family/friend?–   “Thank You Lord for my family and for my friends.”


I think you all have received my message today.  Do all things, in thought word and deeds in the name of the LORD. Each thing, no matter how “small” or how “large” —give Him thanks, for He is worthy of our thanks, praise and love, Amen.

Today, whatever it is you’re doing, whatever it is you’re going through…”good or bad” —offer up your thanks and praise, no matter what.  When we do that, we will thrive in tough times.  We will get through the valley.  And, we will enjoy the good times tenfold in honor of His grace and love.

His Word is truth.

His Word is comfort.

His Word endures forever.

His Word is LIFE.


“Father God, may we never forget to give you unending praise and devote our lives to You in all that we do, in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen.”