DEAR GOD: Renew Me LORD by Your Mercy and Holy Spirit~


He saves us not because of righteous things we had done,

but because of His mercy.

He saves us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. 

Titus 3:5  



He saves us.  Say it again, He saves us.  One more time, “He saves us!”

Do you hear it?

Say it aloud!

Scream it and rejoice!

The LORD saves us.  He went willingly to the cross knowing full well what He had to endure in order to SAVE US sinners and give us the opportunity to be with Him forever in Eternity when we are finished with our work here on earth.

Can you imagine that scene?

Jesus waiting and putting His arms around us?

We get to see Him, feel Him holding us close to Him, and we get to walk with Him. Sit with Him, dine with Him!

Praise You LORD for Your mercy endures forever.

Many people labor under a false assumption thinking that “we save ourselves by righteous acts” –— when in fact, Christ saved us by hanging on the cross, all those years ago.    His grace, His  love, His mercy…all for us. So that we can spend Eternity with Him in Paradise.

He prepares a table for us to dine with Him and our Father in Paradise.  What a feast that’ll be huh?

He prepares a room for us in His “Father’s mansion.”   (John 14:2)

He gave us a Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit, so we shouldn’t ever have to go “anything alone” in this lifetime.

He is with us always, and promised to never leave us.  (Matthew 28:20)

Not to say we shouldn’t do righteous acts, of course we must, for after all we are called to “mirror Christ” in all that we do.  And, if ever someone performed righteous acts, it was Christ!  But, never lose sight of the fact that HE SAVES US.  We didn’t save ourselves!

So when we’re through with our commission here on earth, just remember that He will welcome us home as He wraps His arms around us and says, “Welcome home my faithful and loving Child…”

But for now, go out and tell the world about our incredible Lord of lords and King of kings!


Father, God, thank You for Your Son and for His love and mercy, and for Your sacrifice in bringing Him to fulfill the scriptures so that we could be saved, I love You Lord, now and forever, may I do all according to Your will and purpose in my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”