DEAR God: Blocking out the Noise with Your Word~

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“He who has ears, let him hear.”  

Matthew 13:9


“Sorry I don’t have the time right now.”

Excuse number one.

“Oh, I have something going on this morning, and then an appointment in the afternoon.”

Excuse number two.

“I can’t!  I have calls to make, things to do, people to see.”

Excuse number three.

“I wish there were more than twenty-four hours in the day, I can’t do everything in one day! – Maybe later.”

Excuse number four.

And, so it goes, and so it goes.

Sound familiar?  

Well, in this world, and the inherent pace in which we “tap dance” our way through life, it seems impossible to do all of what we need to do in one day.  Some individuals have children, and a job to get to.  Some people, are single with children, and have no time to themselves. Still others may be disabled, and have exceeding difficultly getting around, and find it hard to set aside time to reflect or meditate on His Word given the pain they’re in.

All of the responses above are answers some of us might give to “GOD” when we push aside His Word, and His voice, and His love when He calls out to us. When He calls for us to “spend time with Him alone” each and every day.

The “world” is filled with “noise” and  lofty distractions that seek to pull us from our Father.

The enemy loves to engage us in daily practices of “disobeying” and “ignoring” God.

Sometimes… if we’re in so much pain, emotionally or physically, we find that our discomfort “chokes” the Word of God.  It happens, to the best of those following in Christian faith.  It can happen and this is where we need to “take notice” and “block the noise” in the powerful name of Christ by reaching out to the Father!

This is when we need to reach for our Bible, for His beautiful and soothing Voice, and cry out to Him.

This is where we say, “Father I choose You and Your strength”

This is where we shout, “You get ALL THE GLORY and VICTORY no matter what Father God!”

This is when we “mute the world” and “turn the speakers up” for the Father’s Voice! Amen!

No matter where we are, no matter what we’re going through, no matter the load we carry…lay it down and bring it to the LORD.

His voice and His love will sustain and protect us from the “ugly sounds” of the world.

Try it today and see how “beautiful the world can be”   by listening to His voice.

Try it today and see how “beautiful the world can be” through His eyes and love.



“Father God, thank You for Your sustaining and unconditional voice of love and reason, and for Your promises, You are all that I need, now and always,  I rebuke the world’s noise over my life, and know I am protected by the blood and  Your love in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”





*Picture courtesy of Pinterest – does not belong to me. 


DEAR GOD: Serving You and Pleasing You~

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:

for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)



“Thy hands have made me and fashioned me” as the verse from Psalm 119:75 goes. And, in Revelation 4:11, it is told that the LORD is worthy to receive glory and honor and power, for “thou hast created all things, and for they pleasure they are and were created.”

Our mighty Creator created us because of His love, and we and all things were created by the Master of the Universe…for His pleasure.

The questions we should ponder in our minds is:  What are we doing to honor Him?  How are we showing Him honor?  And, are we going forth in such a manner that glorifies Him?”

Most of us attend church weekly,  donate to a favorite charity, and then go on with our lives thinking that “I’m okay, that’s all I have to do. I fulfill my obligations in so doing.”

Well…hold on a second now.  There is a little bit of a knot in the rope so to speak.  Yes, all of the above is a good thing, but it is how we conduct the rest of our week, and how we fill our days that matters.  And, most important, how we “glorify God” and how we “love Him” in our hearts, while giving Him the victory, and being a witness for Him, through our actions, to others that really brings Him pleasure.

For Thou has created ALL things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Yes, we were created for His pleasure.

Are we doing things that please Him?

Are we meditating on His word in our hearts?

Are we extending the joy of “knowing Him” to others in our thoughts, words and actions?”

When we drive by a homeless person and feel a “tug” in our hearts.  That’s the Holy Spirit.

When we see someone hurting and needing a hug, and feel a “tug” in our hearts.  That’s the Holy Spirit.

When someone is distraught, or grieving, and need someone to listen, or hold their hand, and you feel a “tug” in your heart. That’s the Holy Spirit.

When you do a righteous deed and you feel peace, joy and a tremendous amount of satisfaction. That’s the Holy Spirit rejoicing within you.

Congratulations, when you feel that feeling of joy, peace, satisfaction…You’ve pleased Him, and are being a vessel in His will for your life.


Feeling a tug in your heart today?” 

Great…Listen to the Holy Spirit within…and set out to please Him.

In this way you are giving Him all the glory, Honor, and being a witness for others at His magnificence!



“Father God, may we always be pleasing in Your eyes in all that we do, all that we say, and may our hearts reflect our love for You, through our actions towards others, today and always, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: My Shield My Salvation~







Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy salvation, and Thy gentleness hath made me great.
We are called in faith to trust the LORD in all that we do, no matter what. But, at times, because we are flesh, we can get caught up in the “world” and anxiety or worrisome thoughts might invade, or intrude into our thoughts and actions. Thereby creating a cycle of troublesome behavior that is contrary to trusting in God.
As children of the Almighty God we belong to a family of royalty, and are protected by His Sovereign Power and Grace.  We are told by Jesus to “trust the Father” and know that the “Father will take care of all things for us.”  So when we worry, or think about tomorrow, or the “what-if” scenarios, we are setting ourselves up for failure.  But, we are failing God in so doing, because God NEVER will fail us.
When thoughts of worry creep into our minds…ask the LORD to quicken His Word, and ask the Holy Spirit for help in ridding the negative and  troublesome thoughts from us.  When we realize the mind is a “battleground” between flesh and Spirit and we take up the weapons of our defense, “the Gospel Armor – Ephesians 6″ we are brought to the forefront of “victory” through Christ’ name and power.
Yes it can be challenging when we’re in the midst of a storm, and the world can drown out the music of the Word.  But, that’s when we need to stop, reflect, have trust and believe, we have a Father who is victorious, and Greater is the One in us than the one in the world. (1 John 4:4)
“Dear God, You are my buckler in times of stress and adversity and You provide a cover of protection in all times to me and Your children, who believe and follow You, thank You my Lord, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Yours Alone~

All those the Father gives Me will come to Me,

and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away.

John 6:37


When we hear His voice and follow Him we are part of His fold, and those that know His voice follow Him, and He knows those who do.  So, when we willingly choose to go with Him, we are one with Him, and He accepts us into His fold and protects, leads, guides. He will “never turn us away” and will love us unconditionally.

As we go through our life here on earth we are called to be examples to those around us, to embrace the gospel of Christ in all that we do, all that we endeavor to take on, each and every moment of our life.  For those who walk in the darkness, we are given the responsibility to try and “shine His light” into their lives.  We are not the ones in control, the LORD is in control, and ultimately the seeds we sow will be up to the LORD is they sprout and grow.  He will provide the water.  We need to spread the seeds in the soil, and depending on the situation and whether or not the person will accept those seeds and choose Christ is up to God.

Follow His heart with your own heart.

Follow His voice and listen attentively.

Follow His ways and lead by example.

Follow Him and graze in His pasture.


The LORD is with us always, even until the end of time.

Simple, loving facts.  Christ is Lord of lords, King of kings, and Savior of all.   However, we have to CHOOSE Him, and accept Him as our Lord and Savior.  When we do, sit back and watch how your life will be transformed into the light and love of His presence.





DEAR GOD: With Thanks to You in all I do~






“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17


Got up this morning?—        “Thank You Lord, for this day.”

Finished your breakfast?—  “Thank You Lord for thy provisions.”

Paying your bills?  —-           “Thank You Lord for the ability and grace to pay these bills.”

Driving to do errands?—        “Thank You Lord for being able to drive and for getting me there safely.”

Speaking to family/friend?–   “Thank You Lord for my family and for my friends.”


I think you all have received my message today.  Do all things, in thought word and deeds in the name of the LORD. Each thing, no matter how “small” or how “large” —give Him thanks, for He is worthy of our thanks, praise and love, Amen.

Today, whatever it is you’re doing, whatever it is you’re going through…”good or bad” —offer up your thanks and praise, no matter what.  When we do that, we will thrive in tough times.  We will get through the valley.  And, we will enjoy the good times tenfold in honor of His grace and love.

His Word is truth.

His Word is comfort.

His Word endures forever.

His Word is LIFE.


“Father God, may we never forget to give you unending praise and devote our lives to You in all that we do, in Jesus Christ precious name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Renew Me LORD by Your Mercy and Holy Spirit~


He saves us not because of righteous things we had done,

but because of His mercy.

He saves us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit. 

Titus 3:5  



He saves us.  Say it again, He saves us.  One more time, “He saves us!”

Do you hear it?

Say it aloud!

Scream it and rejoice!

The LORD saves us.  He went willingly to the cross knowing full well what He had to endure in order to SAVE US sinners and give us the opportunity to be with Him forever in Eternity when we are finished with our work here on earth.

Can you imagine that scene?

Jesus waiting and putting His arms around us?

We get to see Him, feel Him holding us close to Him, and we get to walk with Him. Sit with Him, dine with Him!

Praise You LORD for Your mercy endures forever.

Many people labor under a false assumption thinking that “we save ourselves by righteous acts” –— when in fact, Christ saved us by hanging on the cross, all those years ago.    His grace, His  love, His mercy…all for us. So that we can spend Eternity with Him in Paradise.

He prepares a table for us to dine with Him and our Father in Paradise.  What a feast that’ll be huh?

He prepares a room for us in His “Father’s mansion.”   (John 14:2)

He gave us a Comforter in the form of the Holy Spirit, so we shouldn’t ever have to go “anything alone” in this lifetime.

He is with us always, and promised to never leave us.  (Matthew 28:20)

Not to say we shouldn’t do righteous acts, of course we must, for after all we are called to “mirror Christ” in all that we do.  And, if ever someone performed righteous acts, it was Christ!  But, never lose sight of the fact that HE SAVES US.  We didn’t save ourselves!

So when we’re through with our commission here on earth, just remember that He will welcome us home as He wraps His arms around us and says, “Welcome home my faithful and loving Child…”

But for now, go out and tell the world about our incredible Lord of lords and King of kings!


Father, God, thank You for Your Son and for His love and mercy, and for Your sacrifice in bringing Him to fulfill the scriptures so that we could be saved, I love You Lord, now and forever, may I do all according to Your will and purpose in my life, in Jesus name, Amen.”