DEAR GOD: We Revere Your Name–and Trust You Fully~




  But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.  

Malachi 4:2 (KJV)


A sure sense of peace and confidence comes to us from that verse in Malachi.  The LORD is assuring us in no uncertain terms, in fact, it’s a declaration of truth, and a promise to fulfill us in all of our needs; it is He that brings it, and secures it. Amen.

When we fear/revere the LORD in all that we are, and all that we do, we are claiming, proclaiming, and showing Him, that we are His, and we trust Him, in all that we undertake, no matter what.

We are giving Him, all the glory, and know without a doubt, that we have no need to be filled with fear, or anxiety, because of His promise(s) to all of His children…His followers…His sheep…you and me.

Praising the LORD, and exalting Him,  as we acclaim and declare His Sovereign and mighty power, we are ultimately aligning ourselves with His Word, and practicing our Faith, as we walk the narrow path towards His glory.

He is stating that “healing in His wings” is our reward for loving Him, and telling us that we shall grow up as calves of the stall that is to say, we will be housed, shielded,  and cared for, with provisions to meet our daily needs.

Be bold in choice…follow the LORD.

Be strong…Absorb His Word.

Be confident…You are a child of God.

Be at peace…God is with you always.

Be prepared…Put on the whole Gospel of the LORD.

Be at peace…For the LORD thy God is always watching and observing in all that we do.

Finally, do not worry for God will see to all of our needs and add unto them as we seek His face and His Kingdom diligently and daily.

The rewards will be plentiful here on earth, and overflowing in Eternity.


Thank You Father for Your love, devotion and promises from Your heart to Your children, You get all the glory, all the honor, all the victory, now and always, no matter what, in Jesus name, Amen.”