DEAR GOD: Faith & Rewards of those that Seek You~





But without faith it is impossible to please Him:

for he that cometh to God must believe that He is

and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. 

Hebrews 11:6 (KJV)



Humans are often limited in their abilities, because, quite frankly, there are things that is impossible for humans to accomplish on their own. However, be it known that there is one thing that we can possess that makes all things possible…God’s Word.

God’s precious Word tells us that all things are possible, because with God “all things are possible.” Amen.

In Mark 10:13-14 (KJV), it was written:

And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them:  and His disciplies rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased and said unto them, “suffer the little children to come unto Me and forbid them not: for such is the Kingdom of God.”

Children are malleable and true to form, they are virtual sponges, for they absorb teaching readily, and usually will be eager to learn more. Jesus is suggesting here in that verse, that we should be like children, and absorb God’s Word in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

Simplistic in meaning, yet powerful in context overall, “absorb the Word and learn” as we continue to seek our Father’s face in all that we do.

We are powerless in substance while standing “alone.”  Yet, with God as our guide and vital source of “life” we are able to do things in Jesus name, and perform things that would ordinarily be impossible without God as our refuge, guide, and sanctuary.  He is our potpourri of knowledge and a continuous fountain of wisdom and water in which we will never thirst again.

Many people who are without faith are laboring under a false security curtain believing they are in control of their “own salvation.”  That if they do certain things, or say certain things, they are saved.

Wrong!  It isn’t possible for anyone to “purchase” or “design” their own salvation.

Mark 10:27 (KJV)   

And Jesus looking upon them saith,With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible.”

Humans just aren’t able to create their own salvation, and this misconception goes all the way back to the Babylon days in Genesis Chapter 11, which was two hundred years after the flood of Noah’s time. The people tried to build a tower tall enough to survive another flood should one come along.  They really thought they could save themselves.  It is impossible to create our own eternal life.  However, with GOD all things are possible.  Jesus Christ, our redeemer, saved us… we are covered by His precious blood.  He offered Himself as a living sacrifice to fulfill God’s scriptures, and to offer redemption and save us.   We cannot do that…but GOD DID!

When we have faith, and trust in Him, and know that we are in His very capable hands while surrendering to Him, we are accomplishing our goals in life, according to His will,  as we prepare the way to eternity.  But, that is only possible through God.

By the very Word of God the world ages were framed.

God spoke the Word and the Universe became a reality.

So…faith and believing in God go hand-in-hand with salvation and eternity.

Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Seek the Father…and He will be found.

Please the Father…and be blessed.

Believe the Father, and that all things are possible… but only through Him and Him alone.



“Father God, thank You for Your sacrifice, for Your love ,and Your plan for my life, I believe in You, and Your Word, in Jesus name, Amen.”