DEAR GOD: God You Reign –You are my Strength~





God You Reign!

God You Reign!

Forever and Always!

God You Reign!


Dear LORD,

A New Year, a new day to renew or proclaim Your glory. 

How joyous are we who have been graced with another year to grow closer to the LORD in all that we do.

How wonderful are we who are blessed to know the power of the LORD and all that He is.

How blessed are we to realize that He will “never leave us nor forsake us.”

We are all miracles of God, He made us all for purposes of His will and we are all able to make decisions regarding our path, and most of us will ultimately choose the LORD.  Sadly, some will not choose His path and will wander  unto the “wide and open spaces/paths” of rebellious choices contrary to His plan for us.

But, here’s the best news of all.  God is every faithful and ready to forgive those who come to Him with a repentant and contrite heart. His mercy is overwhelmingly present to all who are accepting of it.

New Year’s resolutions.  The biggest on the list for most is “I have to lose weight” and the others follow with, “I will change my ways, I will eat eat and make better choices in food;  I will find  better job; I will get rid of this addiction; I will…I will…I will, so on an so forth.  The list is varied but the lists from those with New Year’s Resolutions are usually about choices.

This New Year how about choosing God?

How about finding the One Being that loves you beyond all matters of comprehension, the One Entity that unconditionally will forgive us over and over again, and then forgive some more?

How about embracing the “narrow” path in which He will guide You should you accept Him and open your heart to His ways, His voice, and His will?

Imagine this if you would.  A Father’s love so intrinsically and deeply rooted in each of us that He gave His only begotten Son for us.

Imagine this if you would.   Jesus came to serve,  was crucified and died and was resurrected in order to “save us.”

Imagine this if you would.   A place that is peaceful, where the light shines all the time there is no need for the sun.

Imagine this is you would.  Eternity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and all of our loved ones that have gone before us.

Now…do you want to experience all of what was just mentioned?

Are you ready for it?

Well, there’s a catch…You have to “accept Him as your Lord and Savior, and you have to get to know Him, and hear His voice.

How can you do this you ask?

Easy…Read His Word.  Meditate upon it precept by precept, chapter by chapter.  Get to know the story from beginning to end.  And, most of all get to know GOD, our loving amazing Father.  And when you do…life will get easier for you.

No matter what you’re going through.  It will get easier.  Each adversity you face, each trial on life’s highway will be better knowing He is with you no matter what.

Conversely, each “joyful occasion” will be that much greater to celebrate knowing He is with you.

But remember this, “Joy is within each of us, Joy is the Holy Spirit.  He is our Joy…”

For those of you that know Him…Hallelujah!

For those of you that don’t…it’s never too late, and what better New Year’s Resolution than to “come to the LORD?”


Happy New Year my brothers and sisters, may God bless you all with His peace, joy and love, Amen!



1 The LORD reigns, let the nations tremble; he sits enthroned between the cherubim, let the earth shake. 
2 Great is the LORD in Zion; he is exalted over all the nations. 
3 Let them praise your great and awesome name— he is holy.
4 The King is mighty, he loves justice— you have established equity; in Jacob you have done what is just and right. 
5 Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.

Psalm 99:1-5