DEAR GOD: Plans and Purpose for All of us~


  For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,

“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,

plans to give you hope and a future. 

Jeremiah 29:11 



That is first and foremost in the souls of the faithful and we know that He has plans for us and a purpose for our lives.

God never said it would be easy and never said we wouldn’t encounter friction and emotional upheavals along the way, but instead that He will guide us and bring us through it by “giving us His strength.”  Through our weakness and faults God is strong and perfect and when we choose “HIM” and say, “God I choose Your strength and Your perfection and Your light” for my path in life, no matter where it leads me, or what I’m going through, we are proclaiming His glory and affirming our faith and trust in our Father God.

A friend of mine in Maine going through many trials that have been continuous for the past five years told me “I choose His strength everyday because I am weak and physically disabled, but by choosing Him I’m able to go forward.”

That affirmation was a witness to me and I pray for those reading this.  Dee is a spectacularly devoted lady who never wavers in her faith. Oh, yes…Dee has sometimes had to struggle, as we all do in terms of understanding the trials and the why of which its happening, yet…her faith, devotion, and love to the Father has never ceased.  She is still looking to Him for the answers and praying for a miracle, but what ever He chooses for her, she knows “His will be done, not hers…”

As the New Year approaches, many may be without loved ones, some may be going through medical trials, others may be facing financial ruins, or addictions, or some hardship, loneliness, phobias, or sadness…Please, just hang on,  know that the morning light always follows the dark of night.  And the rainbow comes out at the end of the storm.  But most important of all, the LORD is with us always and has plans for us…plans for our lives, no matter how old we are, or how young, no matter where we live, no matter what background, no matter the color of our skin…we are all God’s children and He has plans for us.

Look to Him for all answers.

Meditate on His Word, because as we delve into His Words, His voice becomes clearer each time. Our goals become apparent through His “nudging” and guidance, and His love will quicken in us and bring us to a deeper understanding and a full restoration of body, heart, mind and soul.

“Thank You LORD for being there for all of Your children since the beginning of time, and for loving each of us and guiding us, You are an amazing Father, We love You, in Jesus name, Amen.”



Jeremiah 1:12

The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”