DEAR GOD: I Love You–Thank You for Loving Me~


God is an all consuming God.

He loves each and every one of His children and doesn’t discriminate.

We are all on the same level and all royal children of God.

There will be times when God seems quiet.  I’m sure it’s happened to many of you, where you will say, “Gee I haven’t heard from God, and I feel like I’m in a place of stagnation, unmoving, unchanging, and yearning for more.” Does that sound familiar?  As children of faith we all go through peaks and valleys, because let’s face facts, life is ever changing, if it were not, we wouldn’t in fact be living now would we?

So life is “static” just like our blood pressure.  Sometimes it’s up…sometimes it’s down. So too is our circumstances in life.

Each valley we go through is a journey of learning, a journey of plight, and a journey of worth.  As we journey we are in a “learning and feeling” vortex which has an outcome that will bring us closer to God and further our spiritual growth.

God always listens, and is always there for us, this is a given.  So, even when we feel “alone” we are not alone.  He promises us “ I will never leave you nor forsake you”   and Jesus promised, “…And lo, I am with you even until the end of the world.”

Those promises from God are rock solid and when we feel alone those promises should immediately rush to our mind and fortify us with strength and further our faith.  Knowing He is with us always, even when we “can’t feel Him.”

God’s beautiful “love letter” His Word, in His Holy Bible, is filled with awe and wonder.  Each word a story within a story, and each book a testimony of faith for generations past, present and to come. These are all for our purpose, for our enlightenment and for our journey of love which will take us from here into the eternity.

He is the Great I AM.  The One and Only.  The Lord of lords.  The King of kings.  The Alpha and the Omega.

No one comes close to who He is and what He is.

He brings us through each cycle of our “static” circumstances.  And, whether good or bad He will make it easier for us and hold us through it all, no matter what. Our spiritual selves should always remember, even when the “flesh” forgets” is that if He brings us “to it” He will bring us “through it.” Amen.

Always  know He is listening. He is watching. He is with us. And, he LOVES US!

“Dear Lord, my amazing Abba Daddy, I love You so much, and I thank You for what You’ve done for Your children since the beginning of time, to this very moment in time, for the future, and for the eternity, that through Your Son Jesus Christ has granted us, thank You, thank You, thank You…in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen.”

“Dear Lord, I pray for all of those in the darkness, that come into the light and seek Your glorious and beautiful face, and accept You as their Lord and Savior, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.”




Deuteronomy 31:8 KJV-

And the LORD, He [it is] that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.




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