DEAR GOD: Renew-Refresh-Restore~

Ephesians 4:23

“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;”


I was watching an advertisement on TV recently which showed a young lady grabbing soap and heading for the shower, and the message was, “refresh and clean yourself as you wash away your cares.” 

Although the commercial was innovative it brought about a bigger message to my spirit, the “renewal and washing clean” by the Holy Spirit, made possible by Jesus Christ through His and our Father, the great I AM.  And, Jesus telling us to lay down our burdens and cares to Him, “because He cares for us.”

Washing from the “outside” is necessary for hygienic purposes, but it does just that, washing the outside.

God washes from “the inside” and makes us clean in spirit.  He provides the hunger in our hearts to pursue Him more fervently than we previously did, when we cling to His promises, and meditate on His word, and get to know Him personally.

When we cast our cares to Him, we have a resurgence of hope and the ability to “breathe” because He is there helping us and lightening our load.

With each step of spiritual growth in accordance to His word and plans for our lives, we are enhancing our “cleanliness” in which God’s grace provides, and we are consuming a deeper and more profound use of our time here on earth.

When we walk the walk and talk the talk we are being witness to His love and promises, and being examples to all we come into contact with, whether they wish to “take root in His Word” is up to God.  We spread the seeds, God provides the water in which to make the roots grow.

Restoration, renewal, and rewards are all part of our faith and the affirmation of our love of God, but more important a proclamation of His love for us!

Delve into His word, get to know your Lord and Savior, be a part of His plan for your life, and spark the embers until they’re ablaze in a roaring fire of His consuming love.

You will never want to be away from Him once you accept Him, know Him, and fall in love with Him.

He will never leave us, nor forsake us,  He is there for us no matter what.  He wants to take away our cares and refresh us.

What an amazing God we serve.

There is truly no other love like His.
