DEAR GOD: Under Your Watchful Eyes~



1 Peter 3:12

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are inclined to their prayer.

But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”


As we rush through life and take on everyday tasks we are always being watched by the LORD; there isn’t anywhere we can go, or anything we do that He doesn’t see, or hear.

That to most Christians, or those of faith, a very reassuring promise from God.  Throughout the Bible His promises are there, and He is a faithful God and always with us.  So…that in itself is a comfort and like a love letter from the LORD. Amen.

But what of those who don’t know Him?  How can we help?

Well, we can ask the LORD for assistance in being His vessel and sending those to us who don’t know Him, and for His guidance in how to approach them, and how to plant the seeds of which they need to hear.  But, we must always remember, that it isn’t US that is doing the “watering.”  It is in fact God who does the watering and allows the growth.  We are merely messengers and can only do so much, again…it bears repeating, it is God who does the watering of the seeds we drop in the soil, and it is God that allows the growth.

Of course, there will be those who listen for a little while, and then the world will take them away before the seeds take root.

Or those that will hear, and be interested, but the seed will not get planted at all.  It will fall on stony ground.

These examples, or parables…were all explained by Jesus.  And, the one who takes it away…is the enemy.

Those who pray, and give their hearts to the LORD, and listen to His Word, are doing all they can to bear good fruit, while seeking His face, and His Kingdom.

The promises are overwhelming in the LORD’s word.

In Ephesians 1:13, we are told about the Holy Spirit of promise. That is elocution that really means “the promised Holy Spirit.” He ‘s the One who has been promised in the Old Testament and has come in all  fullness of the expectation under the terms of the new covenant.

Similar language is used in John 7:37–39. And in the entire farewell discourse (John 14–16), where the Holy Spirit — sometimes called the Comforter, (Parkletos in Greek) the Helper, the one alongside who succeeds Jesus — He comes and is with the disciples and will be with them. And the Christians after the resurrection are told to wait for the promised Holy Spirit who will come upon them on the day of Pentecost (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4; 2:1–4).

So these promises, are just a few…but important to note that the Holy Spirit is with us always.  That is our Comforter, and that is a promise fulfilled from that day, to this day, and until our last day on earth…at which time we will be given our rewards in Heaven for Eternity. Amen.

But, for now…pray and know that God is watching, He is listening, and He loves us with every fiber of His Magnificent Being. And what a “comfort” that is.”

“Thank You Father for Your promises of Old and New, and for Your watchful eyes over me, I thank You for Your love, and Your guidance with the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, Amen.”