DEAR GOD: Your Path be Glorious as Your Love~



Enter ye in at the strait gate:

for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,

that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:

Because strait is the gate,

and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life,

and few there be that find it.

(Matthew 7:13-14 KJV)


The narrow path is difficult at times to walk upon but it is a path that is worth the effort and our time to pursue and adhere to.

The world is filled with iniquities that are far removed from God, and it’s becoming pronounced more so with each passing day.

Destruction, vulgarity, perversion, turning away from God, it’s all so painfully obvious, and those that choose the path of God will be rewarded openly by God, now and for all eternity.

So look around today…take a close look and examine what is happening.

There are miracles that are still happening today.  It could come in a small saving grace such as being early in a supermarket and getting a $25 gift certificate–or something as extraordinary as my husband’s friend’s mother who was given only hours to live.  Her daughter and son went to her ICU room in the hospital and started reading Psalms by her “death bed” –within a little while of reading the Bible, and after prayers, her vitals improved, doctors were shocked, and she is currently doing extremely well! Praise God!  He is good all the time, God is good.  Thank you Lord!

There is no Rock, and no God like ours.  His mercy endureth forever and ever!  Amen and Amen.

Let everything that has breath proclaim He is Lord and give Him praise.  He is so worthy.  Thank Him everyday, no matter what.  And, prostrate yourself in His presence, for His love endures and His promises unending. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.  (Psalm 150:6 KJV)  He is faithful to ALL GENERATIONS throughout the ages, and He still is here, on the throne…always.

There is something so powerful and moving about praising His name through our actions, and our words, and in song!

In 2 Chronicles 20, there is an account of how the nation of Judah experienced an overwhelming victory against an attacking enemy because they sent the musicians and singers out before the army, praising the Lord and declaring His enduring love.

Their secret weapon was to proclaim and give THANKS TO THE LORD, for his loving kindness is everlasting. So, there is something to be said about praising Him!  The Bible says so, and that’s enough for me!

So to those who already know about Him and His glory…Hallelujah!

For those wo haven’t experienced it…I pray you find Him and seek His face. You might want to start with John 3:16–and go from there. He loves all of us, no matter what. 

What path will you walk on? 

The lord reigns and He is a mighty God.

Amen & Amen. 

Thanks be to Him, now and always.

Amen & Amen.