DEAR GOD: I Hear You and Serve You and You Alone~





Paul’s letter to the Romans indicates the worship of things in creation themselves—not just their images—is wrong in the eyes of God (Romans 1:25).

Paul also warns the Colossians against worshipping other supernatural beings: “Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize” (Colossians 2:18).  The prize of being rewarded in the Eternity, the Kingdom of God.

Jesus expanded the definition of “other gods” to include concepts in addition to images, living things and other supernatural beings. In Matthew 6:24, He warns against the worship of material things. “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money”.

He’s not talking about money in your pocket, but the very personification of wealth, (especially wealth gained through greediness), the love of which, in modern terminology, is “materialism.”

The dangers of worshipping material things are fully outlined in the story of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-26) who turned away totally from Christ because he could not part with his wealth.

The insignificance of “wealth” in all that it implies is better said this way:  “Better to be spiritually wealthy than to be spiritually bankrupt. Amen.”

This is better illustrated in the Psalmist who proudly proclaims in Psalm 84:10:   

“For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Than dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

Who can argue with the LORD and His love? Who would want to? 

Ostensibly, there are those who don’t aspire to serve Him, or to please Him, or even believe in Him.  Sadly, that is  a fact that is becoming alarmingly more and more apparent. Just turn on the news to confirm this.  Conversely, there are many followers who DO hear His voice and He knows them and Shepherds them gladly.  (Yes, green pastures – Psalm 23)

Being pleasing to the Father, and staying on the righteous path, in which He intends for each of us ,are rewarding here on earth, but will be even more so, in the life to come where we will be welcomed home.

Remember, He loves us…and He is there for us always.

So, turn from those things that are “distracting you” and keeping you from God. These can become “our modern day idols of todays world” if we allow them.

Put down that cell phone, stop texting, stop looking at Facebook long enough to worship, love, and exalt the Father.

O’ Yes…For He is so worthy.

O’ Yes…For He is so beautiful.

O’ Yes…For He is so amazing.

Turn to Him and thank Him endlessly, for He is Holy, and wonderful, and He is our Father.

And my goodness gracious, how He loves us with a love that surpasses all others.

What have you done for Him today? 

Love Him and thank Him right now…Give it up for the One that has done so much for us…and continues to this very day.

Listen, Do you hear Him?

Amen and Amen!


