DEAR GOD: Heal Those Suffering and in Pain~

Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.  Jeremiah 17:14 (KJV)


We are God’s children comprised of flesh and blood, but encased within our flesh is the Spirit of the LORD– that is….should we accept Him as our LORD and Savior. And, when we do, we come under grace, and are saved.

When we call upon the LORD for help in all of our circumstances, by His grace we are saved, and by His grace we are healed.

We are sinners, natural sinners, and we will all fall short at times, and its at that time we need to “go easy” on ourselves and realize that God loves us, and He will forgive us when we go to Him with contrite hearts asking for His forgiveness. He already knows our heart and knows if we are truly repentant, we cannot fool Him…He is a “Cardio knower” — which means, He knows our heart and our intentions.

Christians are notorious for being able to forgive others but not so much with their own transgressions.  Five years ago I met a friend of mine that had moved to the mid-west, and during a conversation she confided to me that she was having difficulty forgiving herself for “deeds” and “actions” she’d done when she was in her teens and early twenties.. She was having a tough time understanding how God could love her if she was such a blatant sinner doing such atrocities against the LORD and His Word.

We kept in touch throughout the years, and one day she told me about her sad diagnosis of cancer.  However, she was healed three times, and went into remission three times,   and lived longer than the doctors had predicted, but she was still struggling with forgiving “herself.”

Through emails and conversations, she began to grasp  the concept of God’s love, and ever so slowly and gently  the outer portion of her “shallow perceptions of self” melted away.

She sent me an email, three weeks prior to her death, it was quite an email, and one of which I have saved… it was quite touching and prolifically sad, yet I rejoiced.  You see during the close of the email she said she had finally forgiven “herself” realizing that Jesus had forgiven her all along. She went on to say that she was ready to leave this earth, and wasn’t frightened, in closing she said these words:

“I am a child of God and I finally get it now, He has forgiven me all those years ago on my altar call, He loves me, and I am worthy to be loved because HE LOVES ME. Now I can go home to Him with peace and assurance of being welcomed into His Kingdom…”

When she died it was bittersweet. It was sad that I’d no longer speak with this lovely sweet woman that I enjoyed such a close friendship with, ostensibly at the same time,  I truly rejoiced knowing she was with the LORD and in peace, where she was finally realizing and experiencing first-hand knowledge of  just how much the LORD loved her. Amen.

God’s grace and love should be worn as a “bejeweled cloak” that envelops our bodies every single moment of our lives. It is after all an endless gift of glory given to us by the blood of Christ and by the love of our Father.

So realize this ” He loves us and will always be with us, no matter what.”.

My  beloved deceased friend knows that now.

Blessed are those who realize the depths of His love  while right here on earth.  And know that in Heaven it shall continue for Eternity.



“Father God, thank You for Your great love that fills us to capacity and beyond as You allow our cups to overflow with joy and peace, in Jesus name, Amen.”