DEAR GOD: Fill Your Children with Joy~

1 Thessalonians 1:6

You also became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much tribulation with the joy of the Holy Spirit,


No matter where we are, or what we may be doing, we should be thrilled and rejoice knowing we have the Spirit within to guide us and take us to depths of love of which we only could know through having Him dwell within. Our amazing and loving Father who gifted us with the Comforter, who will never leave us nor forsake us.

The indelible mark of love is left on our heart by His generosity in giving up His life for us, and by the Father who sacrificed His Son for us. We are therefore filled with Joy, which is LOVE which is His Spirit.

The Apostles waited longingly for the Comforter to come, and were granted the gift as He came over all of those in the upper room after He was resurrected, as told in Acts.  It was a beautiful moment then, and equally beautiful now when an individual accepts Christ and invites Him into His heart as their Lord and Savoir.  No matter how many times it’s been done throughout time…it is as beautiful as it was way back then, as it is today.  When even one soul is saved it’s powerful and moving…and the angels in heaven rejoice and sing.

When we become “imitators of the Lord” through the joy of the Holy Spirit and transform into a realm of receiving Him daily and being a witness to others by speaking the truth and sharing the Word, we are basking in the glory of His love.  The joy is complete and overwhelmingly obvious.

So many people are hurting and walking around in a virtual abyss of blackness never coming to the light or giving light a chance.  These are the ones that the Lord calls us to sow seeds and share the Word.  It’ll be up to the LORD whether it takes root or not.  We are called to sprinkle seeds where we can…but ultimately it’s the LORD who provides the water and the growth.

Rejoice and be exceedingly glad as we are called to be vessels of the LORD in His word and ways, even when there are those who will ridicule us and make fun of our faith.  There will be those who will seemingly take delight in mocking us in a fiendish way, but as Jesus said, “when you are ridiculed or mocked be exceedingly glad for great is the reward in heaven.”

As we attempt to go through this life our journey will be filled with many different kinds of paths. Some will be gravelly, some will be smooth, some will be stony, some will be dirt filled…and some will have a fork in the road…it’s the Spirit that will offer guidance and help through all of our paths, and the Father who holds us up in the process.

Be glad and be of good cheer…God is here today, tomorrow…always!


Father God, Creator of the Universe, Master of all things, thank You for the gift of the Comforter, for the joy that fills my heart due to Your love and guidance, and thank You for all that You do since the beginning of time, may I bring You joy through my diligence in Your Word, and in my love for You, I pray all that I do will be a witness for You and Your amazing love, in Jesus precious name, Amen.”



1 Peter 4:13-14

….But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.