DEAR GOD: Undeniable Love For You~

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?

Psalm 42-2 (KJV)

Thirsting for our one and only Living God is a feeling that most believers experience and most have trouble expressing into words.  It is an undeniable “thirst” that can only be quenched by the LORD and His love.  It is an inner longing that can only be filled by the joy of loving Him.

Can we be loved by anyone as God loves us?

Can anyone sacrifice their child for us?

Can anyone continuously forgive our transgressions and iniquities as God has?

Of course the answer is a resounding and unmitigated NO!

God and God alone is the One and only Being that is capable of a love toward us that is indefinable and beyond the scope of our understanding while in this human body.

But what we do know and understand is that HE LOVE US.

As we feel His love and get to know Him we become engaged to the point of “desire” in getting to know Him on deeper levels and yearn to know Him fully and completely.  How can we do this?

By opening His book and reading His Word.  Hearing His voice. Following His commandments, and loving Him as we surrender to Him fully. Going to Him while boldly proclaiming and declaring our love and dedication is pleasing to Him as well as to our own heart and soul.

Panting and longing for His love?

You can find it in His Word, and within your own heart.

He is there, inside of all of us…waiting for us to love Him, while gently leading us into His green pastures and living water.

Love Him, openly and willingly…make that choice and rest in His love while He tends to you in His pasture.
