DEAR GOD: Heart on Fire for You~




With my whole heart have I sought thee:

O let me not wander from thy commandments.

Psalm 119:10 (KJV)


In search of the LORD and not finding Him?

Is there something that’s happening in your heart that you’re not aware of? 

Are you following His commandments?

  Are you seeking Him daily in all that you do or conspire to do?

If not?  Why not?

These are simple enough questions and yet they can be complex as we search our hearts and ponder the reasons for the “silence” resounding throughout our mind as we struggle for an answer to endless inquiries.

Where are You LORD?

Are You there LORD?

Why can’t I hear You today LORD?

He is always with us.  He is always listening.  He is ever faithful.

But…Sometimes there could be something blocking the voice of God.  There can be something that is plaguing us in terms of an unfavorable issue that the LORD is not happy with.

Don’t forget He loves us no matter what.  It’s more than likely the issue or circumstance which may be blocking us from full access to the LORD that He might not be happy or pleased with.

For those of us with conviction and unwavering faith, we have all been challenged one way or another with issues or circumstances that can be a hindrance to receiving full blessings from the LORD.  That’s not no say, He stops loving us or caring for us…that will never happen.  For His promises are as strong and true today as they were since the beginning of time.

He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” and we know that is true, although at times it can seem like He has disappeared… that’s a false narrative.  That is the enemy speaking lies to us wanting us to believe that God has deserted us.  Don’t listen to those lies from the enemy.

Remember that GOD LOVES US!

Instead, get right with God if there is something that is out of whack in your life, get rid of it…repent.

God will always forgive us.  Jesus died for us…we are covered by His precious blood, it wasn’t in vain…it was for each of us.  So…we will always be forgiven when we repent and ask forgiveness and move on.  None of us are perfect…only ONE is, and that is our Father in Heaven who is holy and pure…and good.

Seek Him, while He can be found.  

Trust Him with all of your heart.

Love Him with all your strength.

Forgive yourself, sometimes it’s harder to forgive ourselves than it is to forgive others.  God forgives, so why not forgive yourself? Realize that we will all fall short at one time or another, that’s to be expected.  Don’t be hard on yourself, that is what the enemy wants.  He longs to make us feel guilt, or unhappy, and filled with unsettling thoughts or actions.  Stop it!  Realize that we have a loving Father who is in control and who loves us. So, repent…get rid of whatever it is that is happening or has happened in your life.

After you’ve cleared the hurdles and obstacles from your path, open your heart fully to the LORD and let His love live and thrive right there in your very being.

Then get ready for showers of blessings to rain down on you.

Yes, your cup will runneth over!  Amen~