DEAR GOD: Connecting with You Through Others~



Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. Luke 6:37-8 (NLT)



Connecting with others and doing good in the LORD’s eyes is how we “connect to God” and how we show “our love” to Him.

In all things that we do and aspire to do there is one essential thing that is exceedingly important to remember, “never to judge” for when we sit in “judgement” of others we subject ourselves to the full wrath of the LORD.  When we help and provide and guide as in our “inner spirit” we are doing what we are called to do by being a follower of Christ, and aligning ourselves with His word and His will.

It’s easy to “point at others” and say, “such and such should never do that...”  or, “How does she put up with that? I would never do that!”  Nope, not a good thing to say or think!  For God is the only Judge we have.  We are not to judge ones character or what one has done for it is written “do not judge lest you be judged” and when we are judging others, we are pointing and three fingers are pointing right back at us!  As Jesus said, “cast the first stone if ye be without sin.”  And, all of us are guilty of sinning and having done some things we wish we hadn’t.  We are human, and flesh, and flesh “sins.”

So…we ask for forgiveness and we move on with a repentant heart…and try again to do all that we should in what’s right in our Father’s eyes.

When we “connect” with others…again, we are connecting with “Him.”

For Jesus said, “when you feed and clothe someone you are feeding and clothing me…”

Helping others, giving advice where needed, guiding someone, smiling at someone, praying for someone, or praying with someone, is critical to our faith filled lives through Christ.

So…the next time you see something and a voice whispers to you saying “look at so and so, I would never do that. Shame on that person...”  Remember this…that isn’t God speaking to you, but the enemy trying to get you on his side and into his camp.

Stay with the LORD and listen only to HIS VOICE...and stop judging…then go in and help where you can, the way the LORD wants you to.  Then know that you will be justly rewarded as your inner spirit grows with love and acceptance of all things that’s right.

We are His sheep and we hear His Voice…and those who don’t are not part of the flock.  Stay in His green pastures for growth, rewards and eternal grace and love…



“Father God we thank You for the opportunity to serve You and only You, help us to be neutral in terms of our brothers and sisters, and to remember never to point fingers or judge, for by Your grace we are saved, and by Your grace we are healed, and by Your grace our eyes have opened as have our ears,  all glory and honor are Yours now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”