DEAR GOD: Thank You For my Blessings & For my Parents~

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Hebrews 12:9 KJV

Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?


Nineteen years ago on July 1… my wonderful handsome Dad died.  It was a tough gloomy day, and the time that followed was agony as we grieved together as a family.  What made it even more difficult was the way he died.  He went in for an operation with a high success rate and due to a horrific error by the surgeon, he sliced through his heart ventricle and bled to death.

My Dad was the best of the best.  He was funny, kind, wise, and knew how to teach us as we grew.  He was our champion supporter in all that we did.  He was the anchor that endured for each of his three children.  And, he was a compassionate and fair individual who had strong morals.  He was my protector and I felt safe in his arms.  When I closed my eyes at night I was safe, knowing my Dad was there.  Of course, I adored my Mom, who has since passed, and she was equally amazing, they were well suited and in love.  My beautiful sweet and kind Mom, that’s for another time, and another devotional…Right now…it’s about Dad.

All of those things I felt about my earth father was, and still, to this day in my heart and soul.

He was a fine conservative upstanding man, who was a fine example of a godly man. A great husband, father, son,  brother, uncle,  grandfather, and friend.  You are the Creator of all things big and small Father God…and You created a fine man/son when you created my dad.

So, today upon his 19th years anniversary going home to the LORD…I wish to give thanks to my Father God, who through His grace, and love, placed me in the womb of my Mom and I was born to two incredible people.

So, Father, as much as I loved my parents…I love you even more, because you love me…even more!

I gave you my heart so long ago, and I give you thanks for all things…big and small.  For all of the prayers you’ve answered along the way.  For the times you held me non stop through tough times (like my dad’s death, my mom’s death, and so many other loved ones that passed)—and through valleys of family illnesses, and troubles.  You’ve always been there.

Thank You for Your faithfulness in securing me by opening eyes and ears, and bringing the bowels and depth of your Word into my heart and soul. For enlightening my path, and for breathing Life into my soul.

Thank You for my Dad and Mom, I was truly blessed by their love and fine example of faith in You, as they taught us all about You.

Father God, You are amazing, I love You forever and always.

Now, may I ask You this?  If it’s okay with You, can You give my Dad a huge hug from me?  Can You tell him I love Him and still miss him?  And, can you kiss my Mom for me and tell her she is loved and missed more than she knows?

And, finally Father God, when my time is over, and You bring me home, can I hug You for a long time?


Remember your leaders and superiors in authority for it was they who brought to you the Word of God. Observe attentively and consider their manner of living (the outcome of their well-spent lives) and imitate their faith ( their conviction that God exists and is the Creator and Ruler of all things, the Provider and Bestower of eternal salvation through Christ, and their leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness).   

Hebrews 13:7 (KJV)