DEAR GOD: No Doubts—Just Unrelenting Faith in You~



And Jesus answering saith unto them, “Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass, she shall have whatsoever he saith. 

Matthew 11:22-23 (KJV)


When you doubt, in and of itself might not be such a bad thing…however it is what doubt can eventually do that might cause trouble in our spiritual lives.

When we doubt in spiritual terms we could be doubting God.  Because, doubting or casting aside our belief, is to let the doors swing open, and we could be letting in a swirl of trouble that might be very unsettling…in terms of our spiritual growth, and in terms of our personal lives.

Jeremiah was nervous when the LORD approached Him with instructions.  In fact, He was really “timid” and nervous, and all of which made a passage and path of doubt, that came sauntering into his “camp.” He was reticent to speak, as this passage in Jeremiah 1:6 shows:  “Then said I, “Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak for I am a child.”  We could see and understand in this passage that Jeremiah was having self doubts, and if it continued it could have robbed him of his faith, and his destiny to be one of the great ones in the Bible.  Jeremiah was a youth compared to the elders that were camped about him, some in their seventies and eighties.  He thought “I’m a youth and they won’t listen to me.”

But, God wouldn’t let Jeremiah be robbed of his faith, or duty of which he was assigned, as it so clearly tells in this passage of Jeremiah, 1:7-8 But the LORD said unto me, “Say not, ‘I am a child’ for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.”  

How could anyone possibly go wrong with promises such as these? The LORD will tell many of us what to speak, His Spirit will guide us, lead us, and touch us…and give us the unction,and perseverance, when we “believe” and when we listen…and throw out all doubts.  Because, the LORD and His Word, along with His promises, are truly invigorating in all aspects, and they are the harness in which we connect to His very heart.

Jeremiah would go on to speak the word of the LORD faithfully.  He didn’t care that a lot of which he said, and brought about through the LORD, wasn’t welcomed, and he certainly wasn’t worried about being “popular” with the people who opposed him. No, instead…he was in pursuit of the LORD’s commandments and instructions, and he did it all faithfully, never doubting again. And in so doing, he was able to leap and accomplish so many things that he ordinarily could never have done.

We too can do so today.  Never doubt the LORD or His Word and promises.  Instead, hold on to your faith and pronounce the Word with confidence, execute the Word by bringing forth the TRUTH, to all who will hear it, and extend your hands to those who are weak, and in need of love.

Through the Word and love of Christ, we can do it…in His name, through His power, and through our faith.

The seed of the mustard herb is indeed the smallest of all herb seeds, yet it grows into a magnificent and huge herb plant. Mountains are always symbolic of nations in God’s Word.  When we have sufficient faith, we too “can walk on water.”  Nothing shall be impossible for us…when we have the LORD with us, and when we hold tight to our faith and cast away the cancerous tankard of “doubt” and instead drink from the cup of “living water.”

Just think, if Jeremiah had continued with doubt…He never would have been a vessel for God and accomplished all that he did through the LORD.

Come on, cast your doubts away, and go out and “Yell it from the mountain topsI have unrelenting Faith in Christ, Amen!”


“Thank You Father, for Your unwavering love and grace, I pray that my faith, love,  and my belief in You make You smile, I adore You, and Praise You and You alone,  in Jesus name, Amen.”