DEAR GOD: You’re Our Everything~



John 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God,  And the Word was God. 


So many people in the world with so many different views of life overall…and wiith different views come different lifestyles and, different beliefs.  Sometimes different views can be frustrating.
I love God and recognize Him as the one true God.
 He is the one true Sovereign being, the one true Living God.  The Creator of all things.  It seems so simple to those whose belief is so strong. Trust in Him,  run to Him for counsel, guidance, and communication.   We love His Word, because it comes from His heart and is meant for our hearts.  For those with faith there is no other way -He is our comfort and our world is secure knowing Him and loving Him.
 He is my everything.
On the other side of the coin is the “non-believers” who simply believe the world started with a “Big Bang” and their theory is based on “Scientific” research.  Well, again, for those with faith… God is the Master Scientist-He created all things.  The non-believers on the other hand, see God as a “Myth” and His very Word-as nothing more than a fable put together purely for entertainment value.
This is what I referred to in the first paragraph – “it can be frustrating” when people’s views are the antithesis of  your own beliefs.  Especially when it comes to GOD.
Do you want to scream sometimes, when hearing individuals say, “boy I was so lucky.”  Luck?  Are you kidding— luck?   There is no Luck, there is GOD who is behind all things at all times.  The Lord is our safe haven, our shelter, our best friend, our “go to person” for all of your activities of everyday life.
When a baby came back from being pronounced dead for nine full minutes – was that luck?
When a young man who was diagnosed “brain dead” and in an inreversible coma woke up and had full brain capacity- was that luck?
When a woman looking for her son she gave up for adoption 25 years earlier showed up at her place of employment working alongside of her- was that luck?
When we were born and were given life – was that luck?
The reason is simple and to the point – GOD…He is the reason for all things and He works His will for our purposes. This is not called luck…it is called GOD and His mighty hands of grace.
Thanks my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   Thank You for all that Y0u are, and all that You have done.  We recognize we must respect one another and keep peace.
Thanks for providing wisdom during the course of the day to overcome situations that are challenging.  Thanks
 for providing Your voice as the barometer of morality.  Thank You for providing the “platform through writing” to exalt Your Powerful Name and to give You all the glory and honor.
Thanks for providing Your children with necessary tools to promote  Your Word,  by example-and shining the Light of Jesus Christ’s love to others.
Although there are different views and lifestyles, and we are all different in appearance and backgrounds….one thing is abundantly clear – we all have ONE FATHER.
One day, the world will recognize that, and every knee will bow and every lip shall proclaim You as Our Lord and Savior.
Yes one day everyone will realize You’re Our Christ, our Lord, Our God, Our Savior.
But, how fortunate for those of us who recognize this truth right now.  Amen.
John 1-5 KJV
All things were made by him; And without him was not any thing made
That was made. In him was life; And the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
John 9-12 KJV
That was the true Light,  Which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, And the world was made by him, And the world knew him not. He came unto his own, And his own received him not. But as many as received him, To them gave he power To become the sons of God, Even to them that believe on his name
John 14 KJV
And the Word was made flesh, And dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, The glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) Full of grace and truth.

DEAR GOD: Never say Never —Just Trust & Do~

Luke 6:21

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.
Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.


I love all of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and in each book, I find joy and love in all that which is recorded.  Why? because the LORD is amazingly compassionate and brilliant beyond measure, and although things might seem “bloody” and “tough” to imagine, it happened for reasons that helped shape who we are today, and lends credence to the blueprints of our lives as we know it.

Luke 6:21 expressly reminds us that no matter what kind of issues we’re experiencing in our life, that His light will always outshine the gloominess, and the darkness.  The LORD has a plan for those who follow Him, and you can be certain, that it’s a plan according to our needs, and desires.  And, it’s a plan we can all rejoice in as we go forward in life.

Although all of us at one point in our lives will grieve–we can rest assured that we will get through it by His strength, His love, and our unwavering faith in Him.  Laughter will return after the tears have dried.  Your heart will smile again.  And, you will go on…


Luke 6:21
Blessed are ye that hunger now

This means, not only suffer hunger and thirst in the literal sense,  in our current life, but hunger and thirst in our spiritual sense, hungering after the righteousness and eternal life…(Matthew 5:6) where it’s said, “you shall be filled.”

Blessed are ye that weep now;

This pertains to our afflictions, personal hardships, and pressures of life itself, we mourn for loss, we mourn for sin, but one day…you will laugh, we will  be filled with spiritual joy, and pleasure, and be comforted with the consolations of the Spirit.

Our Father guides us as we inherently adhere to His ways and His will for our life.  As we grow in Spirit, and become closer to the LORD, we are securing our inheritance in His Kingdom for eternity.  And, we aspire to become holier as He commands us to be holy… 1 Peter 1:16 because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.”

And, being holy is circumspect upon our thoughts, hearts and souls.

So, follow Him.

Love Him.

And, trust Him.

And finally… never say “Never” —  Because God has plans for us —even when we say things like, “Never again…blah blah blah…”  God will say something like…”Oh Yeah!  You want to bet?”  And, just like that…you must answer the call.

I recently said, “Never again.”  I was devastated by a significant and deeply powerful loss… and said, “Never again” And wham!  Eight months after professing adamantly, with strong conviction, “Never again”  God said, “here you go my beloved child…yes you will…”

And I did!

Of course…I can now see that it is according to His plan, according to His will.

So, thank you LORD!


“Dear Father, Lord God,  I promise to truly try my hardest to always obey, follow, and adhere to Your will, as it is always in perfect accordance in what I need, and what is required to fulfill my life here on earth, while staying steadfast in seeking You in all that I do, and  keeping my eye on Your Kingdom, where one day I will be with You for eternity, in Jesus name, Amen.


1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. 


Hebrews 13:20-21 (NKJV)
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 





DEAR GOD: Happy Father’s Day Abba “Daddy~”






Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to son-ship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”


This day is significant to honor their “father” on earth…but how many of us honor Our Father in Heaven?

After all, He is our “Daddy” who created us. He is our Father, who loves us unconditionally, and He is the One we should honor not only today…but every single day of our life, here on earth…and for all eternity.


Galatians 4:6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Abba Father, who is like you?  There is none who comes close to what Your are and what You represent.

I thank You for giving me a “great earth Dad” whom has since left this world, and is with You in Heaven…and I thank You for all that You’ve done since the beginning of time, and continue to do for Your children, now and always.

Your Spirit dwells within us, and we are infused with Your power and love from above.  We cry out to You, and You hear us. You know our hearts, and You watch over us.  You are the Creator of all things big and small, and it is Your hands of grace that ultimately bring us blessings from above, as You wash us with Your love.


Happy Father’s Day, “Father” —

We exalt You and life You high, all glory and Honor are Yours alone, now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.




DEAR GOD: Enlighten us & Grant us Patience~








Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. (James 5:8)

While lost in the beauty of a flower in a nearby field, I pondered on the magnificence of God the “Master” behind all of its splendor. It was during this period of time I thought about the entire process of this beautiful flower.  The soil in which the seed is planted, and then over a matter of weeks, the emergence of a bud, then eventually the bud leading the way to the full blown beauty of the flower.  And what are the two common denominators in the process?  God and patience.

Our Father wants His children to be diligent in seeking His face, and patient in all that we do.  Patience is an aspect of Christ that is fundamentally apparent throughout the Bible.  If we are to take on the characteristics of Christ, put on a “new person” in Christ, aren’t we too supposed to be patient?

There are times when many Christians will become inpatient, and want things to “happen right now” – but, to sit and wait, is to be whole in Christ.

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.(James 1:3 KJV)    

There are certain scenarios that will suddenly appear in our lives that will test our patience, and sometimes our faith.  But, much like the process of the flower, with all of its equally important stages before it makes its appearance as a full blown flower, we have to wait for the stages to pass before the scenario resolves itself.

Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: (Romans 15:5 KJV)

While engaged in a conversation with a cousin who was being obnoxious in terms of tolerance toward a certain individual (an in-law of hers) I found my spirit becoming vastly unsettled.  I was reminded of the above passage, Romans 15:5.  I gently led her to a different path of awareness, trying to bring her into focus of how intolerant she sounded  sounded to others.  In so doing, she at first resisted and got defensive. However, with a little patience and determination, she was able to accept what I was trying to bring forward.  Eventually, this conversation helped with her marriage, because the in-laws were a big part of her issues, and problems.  Afterwards she saw the “situation” in a different light…thanks be to God.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 KJV)

When the Spirit gives a prompting, or a sense of urgency on a given scenario, subject, or individual, you’ll know it, and  ultimately feel it.  The person on the receiving end, when the wisdom of the Spirit comes forth will accept it openly and rejoice inwardly.  For God and His word is powerful, and sharp…and it will touch and pierce through the flesh right to the spirit of the person which has a higher capability in terms of understanding than the flesh.

So, today as we go forth in life, in His image,  and on His path of righteousness…let’s do so with patience, and love.  For the ability to engage in our life, as it were, is but a blink of the eye, compared to eternity. And, as we delve deeper and deeper into His word, and His ways, let’s firmly embrace patience as part of our countenance in Him, we will then reap our rewards where it’s important.

Christianity is a reality, not a religion–and, heaven is not that far away, both time-wise, and dimension-wise, life on earth is fleeting at best.   Have patience my friend, and rejoice in His love, and your rewards will be plentiful, and your cup will brim over, He promises it and God’s promises are a sure thing! Amen.


“Father, thank You for Your promises, and Your love, help us to continue on Your path of righteousness, with patience and joy, in Jesus name, Amen.”


=  =  =  =  =  =  =  =  =

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;  (Romans 5:3-4 KJV)

Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.            (Ecclesiastes 7:8-9 KJV)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith (Galatians 5:22 KJV)



DEAR GOD WITH LOVE: Speak the Word & Live It Too~



Matthew 23:3
So practice and observe everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.



The Bible shows and teaches us how vital it is to our Witness of the Gospel to live what it says.  In other words, to live by the Words of the LORD and to practice it as best we can, every single day.  It we don’t do so, we are in danger of bringing reproach to the Word of God, for God takes it seriously the call to practice what we preach.

 It’s so important that we mirror ourselves by example.  It’s critical that our examples in which we behave is matched to our “talk.”  If it is God’s ways, then it should be ours.

Jesus warned  the scribes and Pharisees, calling them hypocrites.  Eight times Jesus pronounces woes upon those that he calls hypocrites, and fools, and often referring to them as blind or serpents; “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” –Matthew 23:13 (NKJV)

The LORD wants us to be reflective of His Words through not only our thoughts, but in our hearts and therefore in our actions.  We can’t just “say we follow God” and then go off on another direction. We must follow God and be on course and remain in the parameters of which He stands for. We must engage others by being a prime example of what God is all about, walk in the light, show others His light through all we that we do.

Remember the question that was asked to Jesus…and what Jesus answered in Matthew 22?

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  Jesus said unto him,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”    Matthew 22:36:-40 (NKJV)

We can’t base our faith on human reasoning but on the Word of God and the amazing God that brought it into being. It may appear quire foolish to many, and so be it…but the Word of God will stand forever when all else is gone.  The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of God will last forever. (Isa 40:8)

Love for God and love for all of us made in His image are the basis and backbone of everything that’s in God’s Word. Love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom 13:10)


So, wherever you go, and whatever you do, do it for the love of God, and promote the good news, and share the Gospel as you shine His light while proclaiming His glory. And when others ask you, “How can I get what you have?”  Speak about God and His pure unconditional unadulterated love…and continue “practicing what you preach” to be assured of your rewards in heaven.


“Father, help us to bring Your Gospel to those who haven’t heard it, or know You, lead us and show us the way Lord, as we proclaim Your glory, in Jesus name, Amen.”


Psalm 50:17
For you hate My instruction and cast My words behind you.

Isaiah 42:20
Though seeing many things, you do not observe. Though your ears are open, you hear nothing.”


DEAR GOD: You are Holy my Lord God Almighty~

Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.  Jeremiah 17:7 (KJV)



Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

1 Peter 1:16 ( KJV)



Holy indeed.  He is Holy, and He is our Father.

The air we breathe, His Holy presence living in us!

He is our daily bread...His very Word spoken, to us!


I am confident each day as I go about my business, knowing He is inside of me, His Holy presence living in me.

And, His very Word, His Voice, my daily bread…spoken to me every step of the way.

The Majestic and Holy Father, King of kings and Lord of lord living in me?

Living in us?

Stop a moment, and digest the enormity of that statement.  He is living in us!  “Wow!”

Yes, we know the Holy One lives with us, and in us…but when we really meditate upon that fact, it can bring about overwhelming feelings of joy, awe, and inspiration…and fill us with love and peace.

Walking the narrow path, or the narrow road,  is and can be challenging at times. There will be days when one might throw their hands up, and feel as if they’ll never get out of the deep valley.  Or, when the events of the day seem to swallow up our sensibilities and faith seems outside the realm of what we’re going through.  In other words, the world can sometimes “choke” the word, and “choke or diminish” our mind and focus.

This can happen to anyone, and no one escapes “life” and all that it encompasses, which can be both scathing and joyful.  Sometimes there can be days of ” dark clouds” and the storm seems unrelenting.  But, when we remember that He is in us, the Holy One lives inside of His followers, it’ll provide a huge source of comfort.

Be Ye Holy, for I am Holy….

Surrendering to the Holy One and Mighty One is contingent upon the receiving the benefits and rewards of having Him in our life.  He loves each and everyone of His children…but not all of His children know Him, or have accepted Him into their hearts.  And, it is up to each of His children to do so. To get to know Him.  His love, His heart, His compassion, His mercy, His grace.  His Word.

Do you feel your soul stirring at this moment?

Do you long for peace even when there is a “storm” raging all around you?

Do you need strength to go on?

Do you need someone to help you?

Go to Him.  Open His book.  Accept Him in your heart. Welcome Him as your Lord and Savior, and then embrace LIFE as it was meant to be…LIFE.

When we walk down the  narrow path, we are not only walking it here on earth, but we are walking on the path toward our “eternal rewards,” of living in His presence forever more, long after we leave this earth.

Things of the world are foolish to God’s followers, and things of God are foolish to those who don’t believe.  Highway of Holiness…as God said, “it will be only for those who walk in God’s ways, and fools will never walk there.”

Remember, God always give you the choice as to which path you walk down.

Yes, It’s your choice.  And because you’re a child of God, you’re nobody’s fool, so in that case, I’ll meet you on the narrow path…Amen!


“Father God, show us the way, lead us, guide us, teach us, touch us, heal us, as we walk that narrow road, and narrow path of life, we know You are inside of us, and You are Holy, so therefore, we must be Holy, we thank You for Your love, Your ways, and for all of our provisions, we love You in Jesus name, Amen.”


And a great road will go through that once deserted land. It will be named the Highway of Holiness. Evil-minded people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; fools will never walk there. 

Isaiah 35:8 (NLT)


This is the gate of the LORD; the righteous shall enter through it. Psalm 118:20 (NKJV)



But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.  Matthew 7:14 (NLT)


DEAR GOD: Infinite Wisdom ~





Wisdom is understanding God’s Word, and those who love and revere the LORD are granted such a blessing, as Solomon says in Proverbs 1:7

” The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction…”


The “fear” or “love” of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  Did you ever encounter an individual who refuses to “listen” and avoids hearing the truth?  I have many times over, and it’s frustrating to say the least, because many times, more oft than not, it’s something of value or for that individual’s own good, and sadly they don’t wish to “hear” or “learn” of a situation that might benefit them greatly.

Yes, we’ve all been there when we think “we know best” for what “we need  Or, as I term it, the “I…I…I…” and “me…me…me…” scenario that suggests the individual is only seeing their own way, or disinterested, at best, and doesn’t look outside the box in which they’re personally contained, and therefore fluff off the person (s) trying to guide them with wisdom of which may be,  potentially a “life changing” scenario.  Or they simply cannot, or will not see, that which the LORD is showing them, thereby closing off all communication spiritually.

That is when we use that “wisdom” in which God fortifies those of us who “revere/fear” or more to the point, “love” the LORD, and in return, He supplies us, as He blesses us, with His wisdom, and guidance.  So, He will  ultimately guide us in the right direction, concerning the situation with this individual, or our very own situation, and any other situation or circumstance, that comes our way, at any given moment.

As we take on the Word daily/regularly, and delve into the beautiful contents of His “voice,”wishing for a deeper knowledge base of God, and His character, and experience His love, we will be granted our fondest desires, and so much more.  That comes from the Word.

In Proverbs, wisdom begins with God: His centrality is assumed throughout  Those that trust and know God, and mirror, or reflect this by their conduct towards their fellow brothers, and sisters, in accordance with the divinely approved principles of the Word, that is to say  God, it is then, that we will find a vast array of rewards, that will radiate within our very souls.

Good and bad, are linked with reward and penalty, and it is so clearly evidenced in God, as He embodies in Himself, both love and justice. Throughout the book of Proverbs, are positive and negative standards, and these standards provide a valuable test of personal conduct. God is good all the time, yes…all the time God is good.  However, there will always be evil in this world, and it’s God and His followers that inherently obviate evil.

Wisdom and love are two mitigating and necessary factors in life, especially in the life of a believer, and follower of Christ.

So, do you want the greatest lesson about life and love?  May I suggest you open His book and begin to be fed with His knowledge, peace and love.

God’s light love and wisdom will bring about a transformation in body, heart, and soul.

It’s called LIFE ANEW…that only our loving God can provide.

“Thank You for Your Word and Wisdom and Your love in Jesus name, Amen”







DEAR GOD: No Doubts—Just Unrelenting Faith in You~



And Jesus answering saith unto them, “Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe those things which he saith shall come to pass, she shall have whatsoever he saith. 

Matthew 11:22-23 (KJV)


When you doubt, in and of itself might not be such a bad thing…however it is what doubt can eventually do that might cause trouble in our spiritual lives.

When we doubt in spiritual terms we could be doubting God.  Because, doubting or casting aside our belief, is to let the doors swing open, and we could be letting in a swirl of trouble that might be very unsettling…in terms of our spiritual growth, and in terms of our personal lives.

Jeremiah was nervous when the LORD approached Him with instructions.  In fact, He was really “timid” and nervous, and all of which made a passage and path of doubt, that came sauntering into his “camp.” He was reticent to speak, as this passage in Jeremiah 1:6 shows:  “Then said I, “Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak for I am a child.”  We could see and understand in this passage that Jeremiah was having self doubts, and if it continued it could have robbed him of his faith, and his destiny to be one of the great ones in the Bible.  Jeremiah was a youth compared to the elders that were camped about him, some in their seventies and eighties.  He thought “I’m a youth and they won’t listen to me.”

But, God wouldn’t let Jeremiah be robbed of his faith, or duty of which he was assigned, as it so clearly tells in this passage of Jeremiah, 1:7-8 But the LORD said unto me, “Say not, ‘I am a child’ for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.”  

How could anyone possibly go wrong with promises such as these? The LORD will tell many of us what to speak, His Spirit will guide us, lead us, and touch us…and give us the unction,and perseverance, when we “believe” and when we listen…and throw out all doubts.  Because, the LORD and His Word, along with His promises, are truly invigorating in all aspects, and they are the harness in which we connect to His very heart.

Jeremiah would go on to speak the word of the LORD faithfully.  He didn’t care that a lot of which he said, and brought about through the LORD, wasn’t welcomed, and he certainly wasn’t worried about being “popular” with the people who opposed him. No, instead…he was in pursuit of the LORD’s commandments and instructions, and he did it all faithfully, never doubting again. And in so doing, he was able to leap and accomplish so many things that he ordinarily could never have done.

We too can do so today.  Never doubt the LORD or His Word and promises.  Instead, hold on to your faith and pronounce the Word with confidence, execute the Word by bringing forth the TRUTH, to all who will hear it, and extend your hands to those who are weak, and in need of love.

Through the Word and love of Christ, we can do it…in His name, through His power, and through our faith.

The seed of the mustard herb is indeed the smallest of all herb seeds, yet it grows into a magnificent and huge herb plant. Mountains are always symbolic of nations in God’s Word.  When we have sufficient faith, we too “can walk on water.”  Nothing shall be impossible for us…when we have the LORD with us, and when we hold tight to our faith and cast away the cancerous tankard of “doubt” and instead drink from the cup of “living water.”

Just think, if Jeremiah had continued with doubt…He never would have been a vessel for God and accomplished all that he did through the LORD.

Come on, cast your doubts away, and go out and “Yell it from the mountain topsI have unrelenting Faith in Christ, Amen!”


“Thank You Father, for Your unwavering love and grace, I pray that my faith, love,  and my belief in You make You smile, I adore You, and Praise You and You alone,  in Jesus name, Amen.”