DEAR GOD: Humility vs Pride~


Proverbs 29:23 –

A man’s pride shall bring him low:

but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.





Pride can be defined as  an inversion of power and authority.

It can be explained  as a taking it upon ourselves to do things on our own.

It’s one of the weaknesses that the enemy will tempt you with.

It’s classic in how Satan tries to get you to come over to his views and ways.  He knows what makes us feel good, and knows all about us, and tries to steer us in his direction.

The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the world — which is the pride of life.

The root cause of most every sin starts off with “pride”

It is pride that stops many people from ceasing or calling upon the LORD.


When we really know God, and His word, the more we will not be fooled, and not be led astray. The more we reflect and meditate on His word, the more humble we will become, and the more filled with the Spirit of the LORD.

Pride destroys us and is a showy practice that makes us feel good.

It is a detracting agent. It is a solvent which will break us.

We must be careful and listen to the LORD.  Listen to the Word, and be careful that our choices and paths are not born from pride.


God’s voice is gentle and kind.

His voice is sure and compassionate.

God’s ways are filled with peace.

God transforms from the inside out.

God comes into our heart and changes us, when we surrender to Him, and humble ourselves.


The enemy changes and tempts from the “outside” and brings senses of all things alluring to us.

Tempting us as He did Christ in the desert.

Showing things from the outside, never from the inside out.


God is the strength in which we can turn to for all things.

He is the way, the life and the truth.

He is our all for all.


Go to God for all things.

Rest in Him.

Call out to Him.

Humble yourself before Him, and He will raise you up.

Listen,  do you hear His voice?

For there is only ONE VOICE, and that is the sound of the LORD.





Proverbs 16:5 –

Every one [that is] proud in heart [is] an abomination to the LORD:

~[though] hand [join] in hand, he shall not be unpunished.