DEAR GOD: Troubles? No Worries — His Promises Remain True~



So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.   

(Isaiah 41:10)



When faced with adversities galore, and troubles are brewing more and more…No worries!  His promises remain true.  He is on His throne, and in control.  He is with us always.

Bear in mind that although our burdens here on earth can be horrendous at times, we need to focus on the long term picture, and that of our glorious heavenly future that we’re assured of.

We will walk on the streets of the New Jerusalem with our Savior.  All of our dark days in which we experienced trouble, and pain will be vanquished!  Our joy will be full.  Our cup will surely runneth over, and we will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.  (Psalm 23)


He is our breath of life here and in the hereafter.  

He is our love line and path of righteousness.

He is our amazing Father of lights.

He is our everything for everything.

Trust in Him, reach out to Him.


When we are in the throes of sadness, whether its grieving the loss of a loved one, physical pain, emotional pain, or sympathy for our brethren, His light will guide us, and bring us through the hours of desperation.

Never lose faith, and trust in Him.  When we do all that He instructs us to do and live for Him exclusively through all of which we undertake, and go according to His will and purpose for us, the road will be easier to travel.

God never said, “we won’t take on hurtful situations or circumstances filled with paralyzing and suffocating moments” — what He is saying is, through each of these fires or trials, He is honing us to become more refined, more in the image of who He is.  Eventually, until we are His mirror image ready for Eternity.  Amen!




So, thank You Father for Your loving arms and care towards Your children, Shine Your precious light upon our path, until we see You in person and live with You forever more clutching our rewards of Eternal promises, in Jesus name, Amen.