Trust in the lord with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
It has been said and told by Jesus that many things will have to come to pass before His ultimate return. When we look at the current state of affairs happening in this world it could be depressing and suffocating to witness. However, with God on our side who can be against us, and why should we worry?
Trusting in God is one of the ways to salvage one’s soul as its ripped in shreds watching the evil unfold around us. God’s hands of mercy and His soothing grace keeps us afloat.
Be of good cheer, don’t be discouraged for I am with thee is said many times in His Holy Word? We are not to be discouraged for He is with us always and never wavers in His love or protection of us. Even though the enemy seeks to devour us…understand that when we are alert and in His word, and wear the Gospel Armor, we are fearless in our pursuits led by God.
We are mighty because of Him. We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us (Philippians 4:13)
Whom is there to fear?
Why should we fear when we have Him with us? Remember that each day when you wake and each night before you sleep. God is with us 24/7 and is our refuge, strenght and our everything. When we trust in Him fully and completely surrender to Him, He will guide out paths and make things right through His will and grace.
The next time you see things that are disturbing in the world or in your life, trust Him. Ostensibly, the next time you see goodness and blessings flowing, trust Him fully. Whom is there to fear when God is on our side no matter what?
Trust Him and watch what happens…