Dear God: I believe and Choose You~

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 7:15 (KJV)

Listening to the news one can see that there is angst and sorrow all over the place. It is difficult to watch the news seeing the evil perpetrators while viewing the horrific repercussions of their actions.

Families grieving, children being molested, elderly being abused, animals in a circus being beaten!  It is too much for a model citizen living and adhering to the law to comprehend such heinous crimes. And to hear people say, “where is God” while this is going on?

God is not doing these evil things-man is.  “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” 1 John 7:16 (KJV). 

 There has always been Spiritual warfare going on since before the beginning of time.  There was a great battle even before the earth was formed by God’s hands. Spiritual warfare is something real and ongoing.  It will be going on until Christ returns with His army and battles the evil forces to make His Kingdom here on Earth.  And, it will be beautiful, peaceful, idyllic- blissful for all eternity. When Jesus Christ establishes His rightful place, and all knees will bow and every tongue will proclaim Jesus Christ is Lord.

Those of us who choose to have real fellowship with Him experience His grace and live lives of holiness in His presence. When we walk in the light, it means we believe God’s truth as revealed in His word.  We continue to make a sustained effort to follow in His word and deed. We are all sinners and we must try to formulate our existence in what He expects from us, His children.

  If we claim that we have never sinned, we are in essence saying we do not need the efficacy of Christ’s death…Therefore making a liar of God. We all try to live without sin, but we are all susceptible to sinning. If we do fall into sin, the remedy is to confess and forsake that particular sin. Jesus’ death as the propitiation for our sins, and His heavenly ministry as our advocate is the basis and foundation for our assurance of forgiveness.  He cleansed our sins.  Jesus intercedes before God on our behalf on the basis of His atoning death.  His blood washed us clean.  His death and resurrection, and our active faith in Him is all we need to live forever. We can walk boldly into the inner courts of God because of Jesus’ blood.

God sent His son to cleanse us.  We choose to either accept the living waters and the Lamb of God-in order to live forever, and thirst no more, or we don’t.  For those who choose not to accept Him look around -it is clearly apparent in the news, on the streets where we walk and live. Not believing or accepting Christ, one can see where that might lead many.

 So don’t say “where is God?” when things happen in the world that are disgusting. God is there and always will be there.  It is your choice always has been.  God’s arms are always open, He is always waiting to embrace you with His love and protection.  You might be going through a difficult time, but it is so much easier with God in your corner. 

 For me the choice has is simple.  How about you?

” Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 7:15 (KJV)

 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:8-9 (KJV)

“He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.  But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of god perfected: herby know we that we are in him.”  1 John 2:4-5 (KJV)

 “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is not lie, and even as it hath ttugh you, ye shall abide in him.”   1 John 2:27 (KJV)




Dear God: Your Word Illuminates~


Your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 (KJV)








This past Sunday I along with my husband and friends, were witness to an amazing and beautiful experience. After the Praise and Worship team departed, our Pastor walked up to the pulpit to begin his sermon. He barely spoke five minutes when all of the lights went out! It was “dark.”

There were no sounds of surprise, gasps or murmuring of any kind from the audience.  In fact, the polar opposite occurred.  There was a muted silence, as the Pastor kept up with his sermon.  He spoke of the importance of being thankful for all things, no matter how big or small. He quoted from the gospel of Matthew, from the writings of 1John, and from the gospel of Luke and Genesis.  It was “dark,” yet our dedicated Pastor never missed a beat.

The Pastor had all of this information stored in his brain, and his heart.  He uploaded the word and was downloading it to his congregation. He didn’t falter and never stopped with his powerful sermon.  He didn’t need to view what usually accompanies his sermon; a large movie screen with the passages quoted emblazoned upon it. No, he didn’t need that at all.

The brain has better algorithms for compressing certain types of information than our computers do. The approximate estimate of brain capacity range from 1 to 1000 terabytes…It would take 1,000 to 10,000 typical disk drives to store that much info!

The computer memory works in microscopic form; it remembers the color and location of each pixel in each frame. The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. These neurons connect and combine exponentially, increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity, which in computer language amounts to approximately a million gigabytes.  

The brain’s exact storage capacity for memories is difficult to ascertain.  For one thing, most do not know how to measure the size of any given memory. Second, certain memories would vary; some have more details and thus take up more space.  Other memories will be forgotten and thus free up space. And ostensibly, some information is just not worth remembering in the first place, in which case our brains will ultimately delete it.

Only God could create such a fascinating and complex thing such as the brain.  Pastor’s brain uploaded the Word of God, and downloaded it to the congregation with finesse, style and aplomb.  But most especially, he did so with unrelenting faith, and love for God straight from his heart. 

We all sat tingling from this truly astounding and riveting sermon, for we knew it was the Lord leading Him and showing him the way.  And Pastor finished his sermon with words that left us all speechless and in awe of God.  

 “Thank you God for shining your light during my sermon.  For even though the lights were out in our church; your light was shining in all its glory the entire time.  Amen.”

We were in true “darkness” but the only thing illuminating in our church was the light of the Lord His Holy Spirit.  It was clearly there, and we all felt it. I still do.

 The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.                  Psalm 119:130 (KJV)

Dear God: I sit still and wait On You~

Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalm 27:14 KJV

It can be exceedingly difficult at times to sit still and wait on the Lord.  There might be times in your life, where you wish to hear the voice of the Lord-or receive answers to questions or decisions…and lose patience if you do not hear it immediately.  By losing patience-you might make an irrational decision that could otherwise have been avoided had you listened to the Lord-and your heart. 

He is of abundance in His scope of understanding and His depth of love.  He is your Father who protects you and cherishes you unconditionally.  He wants to hear you ask for His Godly advice and counsel-He wants you to move on His decisions and be obedient in your walk with Him.

There was a woman I knew years ago who wanted to be a licensed nursing home administrator.  She kept taking the test over and over-and kept falling short by two points.  After awhile, she gave up.  She put it on the shelf…and  continued in her role as a Director in Social Services-and later on as a Director of an Assisted Living Facility.  She managed to touch on many lives- and helped change lives in the process while being in that particular capacity.  That woman was me.

Apparently the Lord wanted me to stay in that capacity, as social worker where I would do the most good for the patients.  I was “hands on” and involved with them on every level.  I see now that the Lord was giving me many hints- and I wasn’t paying attention.  I just thought I could operate on a higher level for the patients by being the licensed nursing home administrator.  I was wrong.  The Lord made me see that.

In retrospect- I see that the Lord was not only doing what was best for the patients in the nursing home-but was protecting me as well.  He was showing me the path- however, I wasn’t sitting still listening or understanding. 

Knowing me as He does-He probably realized that I was going to be so involved it may have stressed me out to a point of being counter productive to the patients.  I would not have been able to spend the detailed amount of time I did with each resident/patient – day to day.  I would not have been able to help the employees or families in the way I did as a social worker. 

Thank you God – for showing me the better path.  For protecting me.  And thank you for your relentless patience while waiting for me to “see” and understand. 

So-for those of you reading this post.  Please realize, if you don’t already- that there will be times that a promotion doesn’t come your way. Or, there will be times when you don’t get that job you interviewed for…Or there may be a time when you miss an opportunity that you were waiting for. 

God loves you – and He knows what is best for you.  And, if that promotion didn’t come your way-there may be another one coming up better suited for you.  And, if you didn’t get the job you interviewed for, then there is one with your name on it right around the corner.  And that missed opportunity – you missed it for a “reason” – that only God knows about at that given moment.  But sit and wait on the Lord – and it will be revealed to you eventually.

So thank you God for your love , guidance, patience – and understanding for all aspects of my life from conception to birth; from childhood through each decade of my life – and now in my adult years.  Thank you Abba Father – and all the Glory and Honor belong to you now and always my Lord my God.

You are the reason for everything in my life – and you have given me the wisdom to understand.  So, thank you for letting me see and teaching me how to “sit and wait on You Lord.”  I am yours forever. Teach me more each day Master-I am forever willing and anxious to learn and draw closer to you Father…I am grateful that your hand is always within reach, and your arms are always open for me. I love you.


5A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: Proverbs 1:5 KJV

7The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 KJV


Psalm 1-2 KJV

 1Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

 2But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night

Dear God: Adversity Brings Love & Light~

1 John 1:5 KJV “…God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”


God is our light our ever lasting and eternal peace, for which without Him we have nothing.  His righteous and Sovereign being constitutes endless beauty and love – but one of light comes to mind right away.  His glowing purity and quintessential holiness is at times, difficult for the average person to understand…To fully grasp the enormity of His presence, and His love is overwhelming, yet reasuring and all consuming.

Last week we had a blackout in our State – I belive 99% of the State was without power.  It was something out of a science fiction movie or novel.  The lines at the gas station, if one was lucky enough to find, were hectic and long.  Tempers were flaring due to the situations most were facing.  The stores and restaurants were closed, so food was difficult to find.  Shelters were open, but almost all filled to capacity-and trying to find lodging in a hotel was akin to finding the old proverbial “needle in a haystack.” 

We had offers from our neighbor to join her at her friend’s house, one of the lucky few who still had power.  We turned her down-because on top of the poor conditions, my husband and I were nursing a really bad cough and running a fever.  We didn’t want to compromise anyone’s health, so opted to stay at home.  Another couple, dear friends who are part of our church- asked us to join them for dinner and take a warm shower when their lights came on.  We were overwhelmed how kind people were who reached out,  we turned them down as well.  Again, not wanting to compromise our friend whose health is fragile to begin with.  But their kindness and their offers of love will not be forgotten any time soon.

And of course it goes without saying, our families who live out of state wanted us to go and stay with them.  However, a three hour drive wasn’t inviting, and we hoped the lights would be on soon-so we decided to stay at home and pray for the best.

While sitting in the cold and darkness we knew that our current situation was temporary.  We thought of the thousands and thousands of homeless people that face this every day of their lives.  They hunt for shelter, hunt for food- and try to get warm in various ways, and they live in the “dark.”  We always knew and felt compassion for these individuals, but when faced with our temporary plight, it made us even more keenly aware of their predicament.  We prayed for them and asked for God to protect them and give them shelter.

While sitting at home in the “dark” we bundled up.  We had no portable radio and our entire cul-de-sac was empty, everyone took off, but one lady.  The silence was deafening!  However, during this time something amazing happened.  I heard God’s voice!

I choose to start my day with the Word and end my day with the Word-it is my way of life, and one that I need in order to function.  So, this would not be any different- except I read it by candlelight.  And suddenly the clarity of His Word reached out to the chambers of my heart and brought meaning to my soul in a deep and satisifying way. The words scorched my heart in a powerful way.

He brought the full illumination of His message to my soul, and filled me with inner peace.  But, that wasn’t all!  While reading I was shivering from the cold- slowly I began to feel an inner warmth that washed over me.  I felt the warmth cascading throughout my body-and tears poured from my eyes.  I realized the Lord’s presence was with us!  He was there and providing warmth, comprehension and love.  It was a profoundly eye opening experience.  I felt I became even closer to God than previously

“Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you…” James 4:8 (KJV)

So the whole time we were without power-we always had our “Light” – For with God, one can never be in the dark. 

1 John 1:7 (KJV) “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin.”