Dear God: Your Power is Love~




The Power of Your Love~


Lord you hear me and know my heart,
You guide me and show me where to start. 
Lord you answer according to your will,
I wait, watch and listen while I am still.
Lord your Hands are always ready to hold me,
Your purpose and magnificence my eyes see.
Lord this child loves and worships you,
I seek you always that much is true.
Lord you watch us and keep us from harm,
We can walk through fires without alarm.
Lord you brought us through the Red Sea,
Away from Egyptians and set free.
Lord you sent a Prince and Savior to rescue me,
I am so sorry that the world could not see.
Lord I pray that your children will bow and proclaim,
That Jesus is coming back again to forever reign.
Lord all glory and honor and praise you are due,
I feel renewed and filled with life something I never knew.
Lord you came into my heart and you ignite my soul,
Your fire consumes me, being your servant is my role.
Lord I stand by you and love learning all,
You lift me and hold me and make me stand tall. 
Lord with you I can walk into your courts so bold,
And shout “I love you” like so many times I have told.
Lord I will be waiting and listening for you,
I wait and watch and look up at the sky so blue. 
You are the King, the master of everything,
Your mercy endureth forever this I always sing.
by C D Swanson~
Mark 10:27 KJV 

“…With men it is impossible, but not with God: with God all things are possible.”


Dear God: The Promise of Paradise~

The Promises of Paradise”



Promises and your word I completely trust
I will follow you and love you and do what I must
Eternal life and Heaven so bright
Worshiping you my Lord is so right
My soul is ignited by your love
I extend my hand to you above
Lord this world has no hold on me
My eyes go beyond what I can see
Your Word is infinite timeless and true
 I belong to you and that is nothing new
You saved me as you were crucified
O my Lord my King-“Thank you I cried”
I am so happy for your showing me my path
I will always walk in your ways I fear your wrath
Jesus will return to Zion one day
And “You are King” as all will bow and say
Amen and Praise the Lord My God My King
Thank you Jesus and the future you will bring
We will walk in peace with streets paved of gold
And our Spirits will be beautiful and never grow old


 by C D Swanson~


Matthew 13:31-32 KJV   ” …The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”