Dear God: 40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word~

My Lord This is All For You~

The Lord led me to publish another book, and as always it is only because of Him that I am able to do so.  This newest book, “40 Days & 40 Nights of His Word” comes straight from my heart, and I pray that the Lord is pleased.

It is as titled, “40 Days 7 40 Nights of His Word” – with scriptures straight from our Father’s book – His love letter to His children.  Along with the scriptures, are devotionals for the corresponding passages.

Our Father’s very Words bring forth peace, because from truth therein lies peace-along with happiness and tranquility.

The peace and tranquility that transcends all else is what this book, dedicated to God, is all about.  Reading and meditating on His Word, and then the Spirit led me to write devotionals accompanying His Word.

I pray you all enjoy it – and most especially – I pray my God is pleased and that this book is a sweet offereing to my Lord, my King – my Abba Father.

Praise be to His name-  all Glory and honor to Him now, and always, Amen.

Psalm 139: 1 – 4 KJV

 1O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.

 2Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

 3Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

 4For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether

Psalm 139:12-17 KJV

12Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

 13For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.

 14I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

 15My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

 16Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

 17How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

Dear God: I am so happy to be your child~

It is joyful and so overwhelmingly peaceful to be filled with the Spirt and to know that He loves me.  To realize that His arms, and His love encircle me, no matter what- is sheer bliss, and fulfilment of which I have never known.

To realize that we are His children, and that He blessed us with His love, while providing all that we need, anytime of the day-for the rest of our lives, is beyond my scope of understanding. My heart beats for Him and I need Him in all aspects of my life.

When people complain, or are going through the valleys of despair, or trying to hang on to their faith-they need to know He is there.  They cannot doubt, or have a lukewarm faith, instead it needs to be an internal furnace within our souls-knowing and trusting without question.

To sit and say, “I have prayed, and nothing is happening…Why doesn’t He answer me or love me any longer?”  We need to pull back, and hold on to our faith all the more.  God does love us, and He has shown it too many times to count- it is immeasurable, it is all consuming… forever and beyond.

God does not have to prove His love to us- He proved it with the ultimate sacrifice by sending His only begotten son to be crucified for our sins, so that we could be set free for all eternity.  Our Author of Salvation was resurrected, and defeated death for us.  He is our sacrificial Lamb, the blood of Jesus cleansed us from sin.  He became our passover.  God sent His son for us, and Jesus saved us.  How can you question “Does God love me?” 

It is His children- “us” -who have to prove we love Him, by obedience, faith in all of His ways, trust in what He has in store for us, and to realize that He has reasons for everything.  For His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  He is our Almighty God, we are His children, He created our souls, He knew us in our Mother’s wombs. 

You need never question His love.  He is love, and He is the Father, and our Creator, and Jesus is our Savior…And, he even provides a comforter, the Holy Spirit to guide us and help in all aspects of our lives.  Do you need to look further?  He is here, he is always here.  He is our essential and most prolific presence, and the most influential orchestrator of our lives. 

He is my life…Is He yours? 

The next time you mummur, or complain – open up His book and read, and know what He has done for us over and over- and most important of all -read John 3:16, and you will never ponder again – “Does God Love me?”

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
 Before you were born I sanctified you;  I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

Isaiah 55:8-9“ For My thoughts are not your thoughts,  Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.” 
“ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Psalm 92:4  ” For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work;
                        I will triumph in the works of Your hands.”

All scripture taken from NKJV


Dear God: Stagnation is Rampant-Hungry for the Word~

Isaiah 51:1 KJV "Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, yet that seek the LORD: look unto the Rock..."

 It has become more apparent in these “end times” that stagnation in our Father’s Word is becoming increasingly evident.  The Word is not being taught in the way it should be, most people I know, are “flitting” from church to church hungering for the Word. 

Our Father’s words should be the foundation of which we set our feet upon-and one that elicits a productive barometer of which we base our lives, and behave accordingly.  His word is simplistic for those who have an “ear to hear,” and obscure and convoluted to those “who do not have the ear to hear” – or the inclination to learn.  The Father reveals Himself to us in numerous ways- and the origin being His word.

On the pulpits throughout the land, we are seeing an increase of “prosperity preachers” and those who are sorely lacking in what their roles are as “pastors.”  To teach, to lead the flock-and to bring the lost sheep into the fold. To open the book and teach by example, the words of our Father- to bring forth a continuous wave of understanding by solidifying the word, passage by passage, verse by verse.  Not two lines from the bible, and the rest of the sermon about what “Uncle Charley did on his boat” – or what “Aunt Nancy said at Sunday’s dinner.” 

The word in the truest form, which is the KJV-or the very least the NKJV-is what and how God’s children should be taught.  Not from a bible “made easy” for those to understand!  The Word is changed dramatically with other versions.  A word is added, or taken away-until it becomes man’s doctrine which makes void the word of God.

I was appalled at the side by side comparison recently of a NKJV to a NIV Bible passage.  The contents were dramatically changed!  The whole meaning was thrown out and another one was put in its place!  I am sure God cannot be happy about that.  And, most preachers trying to make it easier for some people, or to bring more into the congregation-bring these “made up” versions into the church!  Do they not see the difference?  Can they see that God’s words are simple to understand to those who wish to learn?

It brings my heart into a sad place knowing people are not learning the word the way in which it should be taught.  Also, that most preachers do not take the time to bring “their sheep”  into unison and provide clarity into the word of God.  All of which can be accomplished with “in depth” readings on Sunday, and Bible classes from the “Bible” itself.  Not from some man’s point of view, and then a class based on that man’s view, with a couple of scriptures thrown in.  That is not studying the Word!

And, finally by example- patience, love and compassion.  These are all fine and obvious components of Jesus’ ministry.  Of Jesus and His ways, and the message He brought forward.   What would have happened if Jesus “changed His Father’s words” to make people understand?  Or if Jesus said, “Well let me omit this word, and put this in its place, so I can make it easy to understand.”

Jesus, came in the flesh and walked amongst men.  The Word became flesh.  Jesus became our passover-He performed miracles, spread His love, taught His Father’s word; and fulfilled the scriptures by being crucified and defeating death (the enemy) and He became the Author of salvation!

We need to speak about God, teach the Word in the way it was meant to be taught.  The church will fill to capacity when it becomes about God.  A church will not need to beg for money when the word is being taught, God will provide and bring it forward.  A box should be placed in the back, and not embarass those who perhaps cannot afford to give.  And, people will give, they do not need plates/offerings passed about.  God will provide, and guide, and lead.

For all of the “church flitters” I pray you find a church in which you can share a fellowship with others, all for the purpose of “one God” and “one body” in Christ.  And, where the word will be taught in the way it should be.  Word for word, passage by passage, verse by verse- with an indepth study of the message behind those words. 

But for those of you who never find that “perfect church” – understand that Christ is in you.  Christ is our church.  And, as long as we have an intimate relationship with Him, and stay in His word every single day- not just part time on a Sunday for a couple of hours; then we will never be hungry.  We will never thirst, and we will never feel alone or fear fear.

Prepare, watch and rest in the Lord, our God.  He is watching over us, 24/7-so smile and rejoice in knowing that.  And, follow the head Shepherd, and stay within the fold of truth.  He is our Rock and our Living Waters. 

Thank you Father for your Word and your Love.

1  John 4:4 KJV  “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

1 John 4:13 KJV  “Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He is us, because He hath given us of His Spirit.”

1 John 4:18 KJV “This is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth our fear: becasue fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 


Ps 119:130 KJV
  “The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple.”


Picture is courtesy of Scott Birge – “Thank you Scotty, you have a gift from God with your photography.”

Dear God: Your Power is Love~




The Power of Your Love~


Lord you hear me and know my heart,
You guide me and show me where to start. 
Lord you answer according to your will,
I wait, watch and listen while I am still.
Lord your Hands are always ready to hold me,
Your purpose and magnificence my eyes see.
Lord this child loves and worships you,
I seek you always that much is true.
Lord you watch us and keep us from harm,
We can walk through fires without alarm.
Lord you brought us through the Red Sea,
Away from Egyptians and set free.
Lord you sent a Prince and Savior to rescue me,
I am so sorry that the world could not see.
Lord I pray that your children will bow and proclaim,
That Jesus is coming back again to forever reign.
Lord all glory and honor and praise you are due,
I feel renewed and filled with life something I never knew.
Lord you came into my heart and you ignite my soul,
Your fire consumes me, being your servant is my role.
Lord I stand by you and love learning all,
You lift me and hold me and make me stand tall. 
Lord with you I can walk into your courts so bold,
And shout “I love you” like so many times I have told.
Lord I will be waiting and listening for you,
I wait and watch and look up at the sky so blue. 
You are the King, the master of everything,
Your mercy endureth forever this I always sing.
by C D Swanson~
Mark 10:27 KJV 

“…With men it is impossible, but not with God: with God all things are possible.”


Dear God: The Promise of Paradise~

The Promises of Paradise”



Promises and your word I completely trust
I will follow you and love you and do what I must
Eternal life and Heaven so bright
Worshiping you my Lord is so right
My soul is ignited by your love
I extend my hand to you above
Lord this world has no hold on me
My eyes go beyond what I can see
Your Word is infinite timeless and true
 I belong to you and that is nothing new
You saved me as you were crucified
O my Lord my King-“Thank you I cried”
I am so happy for your showing me my path
I will always walk in your ways I fear your wrath
Jesus will return to Zion one day
And “You are King” as all will bow and say
Amen and Praise the Lord My God My King
Thank you Jesus and the future you will bring
We will walk in peace with streets paved of gold
And our Spirits will be beautiful and never grow old


 by C D Swanson~


Matthew 13:31-32 KJV   ” …The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.”

Dear God: Your Word Is My Recipe of Life~

Your Word Is Truth~

The Word is our fuel and what keeps these “flesh” bodies going.  The Word is what sustains our souls and nourishes our spirit, thereby allowing us to operate in what can be a “sinister” world.  The Word is the very basis of what our standards of living should be measured against, and what should be incorporated into our very existence.  The Word affords us limitless opportunities to be “ready,” and poised to take on any kind of scenario, as it presents itself.  The Word is our immeasurable treasure, that fortifies us while placing an “armor” around us, which will protect us from irreparable harm.  The Word is all we ever will need, want or desire.  It is the thermos of our tranquility.

The Word is our diet of salvation, and, of which there can be no other recipe that comes close to even being in the near vicinity of the Word.  The Word is our recipe for various situations, incidents that jump up and grab hold of you, and for everything in between.  The Word is our love letter from our Father, who loves us with a capacity of which we could not begin to fathom.  A love that transcends all, and with a love that is filled with an intensity of which is beyond all human comprehension.  That is the Word, that is our diet, that is our Father.  That is our Lord, our God.

He is the truth. He is the way.  He is a presence in our lives that will not dissipate, diminish, or desert.   He is the one and only powerful, loving,  Sovereign God, our Master, our King, our reason for everything.  Our perception of what is right and wrong, our daily glimpse of eternal life – in paradise. Our provider, our “go to” person, our unconditional, always, and forever person.  He is the foundation of which we place our lives, our very being, our souls…He is GOD…He is LOVE…HE is LORD.

Thank you Lord for this new day, thank you for allowing us to see another day, and for protecting us.  Blessed is your name forever my Lord, your mercy and your love endures forever and will never fade away.

And, finally thank you for your Word and for being the best Father any child can hope to have… I LOVE YOU.


“With my whole heart I have sought You;
         Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments!
  Your word I have hidden in my heart,
         That I might not sin against You.
 Blessed are You, O LORD!
         Teach me Your statutes.”  Psalm 119:10 -11-12


Dear God: May His Peace Reign in Your Hearts~


Colossians 3:15 " And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful."

There is evil all around us in the world today, as there was yesterday, and will be tomorrow, and problems can arise if we allow it.  How can that happen?  Very easily, and one of which would be to allow  your hearts to “harden” and not let the peace of the Lord reign in your hearts.

How can we perpetuate the peace of God in our hearts you ask? It is complex, yet simple at once…Stay in His word, live by His word, and live as a constant example of Jesus Christ, which stands for love.
It is so easy to get caught up in the world, we cannot help but be exposed to the “elements” in terms of behavior and lifestyle.  It is a constant source of “battle” in the mine fields of life, but when we are equipped, and have the wisdom of the Lord and Peace in our hearts; we can face any adversity and be victorious each and every time.  The weapons that the Lord gives us, are our infinite tools of destruction for the “enemy.”  The battlefield of our mind is treacherous most times; but a true Christian with unwavering faith, will attest that “God’s word and His presence” are the only things we need in order to survive in this world today.
I am very fortunate to be a part of a “Christian Volunteer” organization that represents a myriad of non-profit charities, and research centers.  As a volunteer, I have been blessed to offer my  services for various divisions of this worthy, and God controlled organization.  One is Hope Match, which is amazing in itself, God Bless Erin Blackmore who is doing God’s work and shining her light. 
The newest is a research center of Childhood cancers.  I was honored, and so blessed to be a part of a calendar which is a tribute to a girl named Melanie.  She drew pictures and called them “Flower People” with her idea being, “People are like flowers.”  Well, she always wanted to be famous, and so this organization decided to do this calendar in her memory.  Unfortunately she is no longer with us. However,she is rejoicing with the Father now as one of His beautiful angels. 
I was humbled when asked if I would write the accompanying words to each picture representing a month.  I was overwhelmed, but being led by God, I found the words for each picture.  And, the family approved it…I pray that Melanie is pleased, and that the calendar raises funds for the cause of finding cures in  childhood cancer.  And may the people involved with this venture be eternally blessed.
The message is this – with all of the evil in the world; how refreshing is it to know that organizations existthat are solely following God?  Organizations led by God  for the purpose of promoting the well-being and betterment of individuals overall?  Isn’t it a beautiful thing to see and hear about?  That goodness is, and always will prevail over the evil in this world?  That we, as Christians can offset the darkness and shine the light in full force?
So, when you are down in the dumps, or have reached the end of your rope and feel like things cannot get any worse…Search for the Lord’s peace within your hearts, and download His word.  He is the antithesis of evil, and my brothers and sisters,  evil has no where to hide when God is around. 
Our abilities have no boundaries with God as our force, as our guide, as our light, and our Gerneral.   Although times may be difficult, and we fall short of perfection as we walk within our flesh bodies; God is there at all times to bring you to a peaceful solution for all of life’s concerns The inertia of our common ties of society can be emphasized in proportion to the task at hand.  However, only with God’s help.
 Forgive readily, help others with fierce sincerity, and open your hearts freely and unconditionally…And, finally, stay in His word, these are the crucial tools of living in our world today, until Christ returns and wipes out evil forever.   Amen~
 Phillippians 4:7 NKJV   “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”