Lord the more things change, the more they stay the same. The words of Jesus came into my head today concerning the rich man and the camel. When he said in Matthew 19:24
“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
It was true then, and even more so today in our “modern world.” The words of Jesus Christ our savior were ringing in my ears throughout the day. I was listening to several different people speak about “materialistic gains” and how important it was in their world, and it made my soul ache. Wait a minute, money and possessions are more important than God? My mind went to all of the people in the OT, and the people who had their idols that they bowed down to. Different time, same theme, same mind set!
Things have changed, but not really- God’s children are still into their lofty goods, and their prize possessions…Their cars, their homes and who they are going to “impress” with their accomplishments. The only ones that will be impressed are those who are spiritually bankrupt and have lost their connection to God.
Like the children in the desert in Exodus…When Moses was away for 40 days and nights they built their big fat golden calf to worship! After witnessing the miracle of the Red Sea parting; and pharoahs army being swallowed up by the Sea, after the children of Israel safely passed through to the other side.
They saw numerous plagues that were placed on pharoah, and yet they were unharmed and totally safe… While in the desert, they were being fed manna and given water. God provided a cloud during the day and a fire at night, yet they still didn’t believe and built a golden calf the first chance they had. While Moses was on Mount Sinai getting the law from God, they built their idol to worship. A golden calf a complete and blatant abomination in the eyes of the Lord…But yet they built it, even after witnessing all the miracles of the Lord’s hand who delivered them out of Egypt. Imagine the Father’s pain at seeing His children dancing around and bowing to this golden calf!
Do you have a golden calf in your life today? Is there something that is keeping your attention away from God? Is there a preoccupation of sorts that is in your life today, that is preventing your full and complete dedication to God? Think long and hard about it, God knows you and your heart so you cannot hide. He already knows if you do, even if you don’t know about it yet, He does.
It doesn’t have to be a golden calf per se, but anything that is keeping your attention and devotion from God is in fact, a modern day golden calf. So, therefore the same as it was in the OT, so it is the same today.
God is the same, He has not changed. Times have changed, but God stands true and full of wisdom, and love and devotion to us, the ones He created. He is not walking around texting and sitting in front of a computer diverting His attention from us. So, why therefore are people today doing that to Him?
There is a certain amount of technology that is welcomed, and of course anything in moderation is okay…I am talking about the extremes, the obessive behavior, the modern day golden calf, the modern day idols.
I listened to this individual going on and on about “this and that” all shallow, and completely empty things in my eyes. Success is wonderful when it is God given, and He blesses your obedience with certain advantages that may allow you to have an abundance of things. However, to sit and talk about how great “you are” and how “lucky” you are, and how much you are worth, and proceed to toot your own horn to the point of excess, you “my friend” are in love with yourself and your golden calf.
My God is my rock, and my eternal lighthouse. He is the one I exalt and the one I thank. He is the one I call upon throughout my days and nights. He is the one I rely on for all things. He is the one I want to please, the one I want to bow down to. He is the one I adore. He is my God. He is my all.
So when I hear the shallow voices of the ones lost in their world of idols, and listen to the exaltation of “self” and not of “GOD” – it makes me sad. I pray silently for these people to wake up and see what their priorities should be. I feel sorry and I feel pain for these individuals who live in a flurry of materialistic gains; and think of their “golden calves” as their gate to respectability, and essential happiness. It is all hollow and empty. It is not substantial and full of worth.
God is the one true lighthouse and Rock of salvation. He is the means of happiness and self fulfillment, and the outlet from which all good things flow. He is the way, He is the truth, He is the one and only GOD.
“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Jesus my Savior, how true those words are when you said them, and how true they are today.
Lord I lay down all of what I own and follow you, now and always…I love you.
Are you willing to give up your golden calf for God?
Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”