There are so many things that can get our individual attention, and very quickly. A whistle can turn heads, and it is used for a medley of reasons; one of which is to control an unruly behavior, to begin a race, a sporting event, and so on and so forth. An attention getter for sure, a loud whistle, a horn blowing, a loud speaker!
Which brings me to the reason for my post…How then does the Lord get our attention? How does He guide us unto the path of which we were preordained by His very hands? There are so many avenues and ways. One very obvious way is a complete unease, a vague and restless spirit; when a soul is not quite satisfied. Sometimes He may use an event to make a statement; or perhaps use another person who will speak the words of which the Lord wants you to hear.
We need to sharpen our focus and direct it at Him and put Him first; and we are to seek his Godly counsel for all avenues of our life. He is there, always prompting, ever guiding, and waiting for us to love Him. He is our all consuming fire filled with love, and his holy sovereign presence.
Deuteronomy 5:24″Surely the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire..”
The Lord never disappoints, although some may murmer and complain, “The Lord doesn’t speak to me.” Or, “I stopped praying a long time ago, He doesn’t answer me, and He broke His promise to me.” It pains me to hear anyone say this, because God is not on a schedule, or more important He is not on man’s schedule. He is on His own divine path of orchestration in terms of our lives. He cannot be rushed to fit in with our plans, but we must fit into His plans, and wait; and pray, and listen, and watch.
In the days of the Old Testament such as in Daniel’s day, or David’s days, the Lord spoke primarily through dreams; visions and sometimes audibly. Today, it is mainly through His word, because that is His message to us today. Also, he does not want us to be involved with anything in the world that is not of scripture…The enemy sits and waits for an entrance to get into your life, a verse can be taken out of context and twisted by man. Fasle teachers, false information, confusion -babble. The enemy has his own people scattered about who scheme and attempt to seduce God’s people into sin, and slide into the world of which deviates from the Lord. However, if we remain true and aware of the traps we will escape them by knowing God’s Word and depending on God’s power for protection and freedom.
God is not an author of confusion, but of simplicity, love and peace. If we are all true to God’s word confusion will not happen, and God will be watching and protecting and awarding His blessings abundantly. We need to know the context of His word, and understand and then we will see how rewarding God’s promises are.
One of the ways to get motivated to learn His word is to realize and never forget that our holy God lives among us, that knowledge alone should shape the way we live each day.
Numbers 35:34 “Therefore do not defile the land which you inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell; for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel.”
The Lord’s promises all those years ago still exist today…He is still our God, our Father, our Creator, our Lord of Lords. Just as He spoke to Moses and gave His promise to Abraham, and made a covenant with Noah with the rainbow; so then it continues to this very day and age. He never changes, He lives within our heart and soul.
He is our purpose and we have a calling and we should be in pursuit of our destiny which the Lord has hewn for our lives. Listen to that whistle blow. And, listen to your heart as you seek to attain your purpose in life pursuant to the Kingdom of the Lord our God.
The words of God is sufficient, we are not to add to, or subtract from His word, for it is all there in perfect accord from a perfect God. Everything we need to know is in there…He speaks to you through those very words.
Hello God, I am listening..
Deuteronomy 4:2 “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”
Note: “Picture courtesy of Scott Birge”