Dear God: My Heart & Soul are Yours~

“Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.”  Psalm 131:2  KJV
Did you ever wonder to yourself, as you looked at an empty chair, “what would I do or say if Jesus were sitting there?”I have imagined that quite often.  And, having said that, it brings to mind a story of an elderly lady,  who passed away in a nursing home; and she was always talking to an “empty chair.” When people would ask “who are you speaking to” she would reply;  “Jesus is sitting there.”

This was something the workers were accustomed to, and so they just thought she was delusional.  Until, one day,  when the  covering nurse walked into her room and found she passed away during the night…what puzzled the nurse was the way she was found.  She was sitting in the chair as if “someone” was holding her,  all curled up with a smile on her face!  That story always brings tears to my eyes.  Tears of joy for that elderly lady,  and her unwavering faith,  and her devotion to Jesus  Christ our/her Savior.

During the “noise” of the world do you still feel Him and hear His voice?  We can go to a beautiful relaxing lake, such as this picture in my post today; and yet we may still have the “noise” of the world tumulutously raging within us. You know how you quiet the world?  You read His word.  You push out the “garbage” by bringing in the “treasure” – Amen.  

You know what happens when you read His word?  The Spirit of God begins to renew every part of us; including our minds as we take the time to review and read His Word. 

          “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”    Romans 12:2 KJV

I know I cannot start my day off without His Word…I cannot function without reading the bible, and praying each morning.  I cannot go to sleep without a “Word” from our Father, and so I read the bible before turning in to sleep.

I find it amazing that if I fall asleep without reading the bible, I usually have vividly wild dreams, unsettling ones.  When I read His Word, I fall asleep peacefully and have a restful night, Amen.  My Spirit, my heart and soul are replenished and renewed with the Word.  My thirst is slaked and my appetite is satiated, the Word, His voice is so powerful and so soothing at once.

The next time you see that empty chair near you…Think.  Are we ready for what we may say to God when we see him?  Are we prepared to see Jesus right now?  We never know when he will return, no one knows but the Father.  Not even the Son knows!  So, are we ready?  

What would you say to Jesus right now if he was sitting in the “empty chair” near you?  Does your heart and soul belong to Him?  We know God created our souls, and he owns our very souls.  But, do you have the heart for His Word and for Him?   Do you believe and recognize Him as our Savior? 

I am not perfect, none of us are – there is only one who is.  Our flesh can lead us into many situations we may not feel happy about in retrospect.  But, God forgives us, thanks to the blood of Jesus Christ! 

So although I am not perfect, I try to do all according to His ways, each day…and if I fall short, I pray for forgiveness and try again! 

But in the meantime “I look at the empty chair differently” than I have in prior years!  

 “…Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel…” Philippians 1:27 KJV










Dear God: Things change yet stay the same~

My Rock & Eternal Light~

Lord the more things change, the more they stay the same.  The words of Jesus came into my head today concerning the rich man and the camel.  When he said in Matthew 19:24

 “And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” 

 It was true then, and even more so today in our “modern world.”  The words of Jesus Christ our savior were ringing in my ears throughout the day.  I was listening to several different people speak about “materialistic gains” and how important it was in their world, and it made my soul ache.  Wait a minute, money and possessions are more important than God?  My mind went to all of the people in the OT, and the people who had their idols that they bowed down to.  Different time, same theme, same mind set!

Things have changed, but not really- God’s children are still into their lofty goods, and their prize possessions…Their cars, their homes and who they are going to “impress” with their accomplishments.  The only ones that will be impressed are those who are spiritually bankrupt and have lost their connection to God.

Like the children in the desert in Exodus…When Moses was away for 40 days and nights they built their big fat golden calf to worship!  After witnessing the miracle of the Red Sea parting; and pharoahs army being swallowed up by the Sea, after the children of Israel safely passed through to the other side.

They saw numerous plagues that were placed on pharoah, and yet they were unharmed and totally safe…  While in the desert, they were being fed manna and given water. God provided a cloud during the day and a fire at night, yet they still didn’t believe and built a golden calf the first chance they had.  While Moses was on Mount Sinai getting the law from God, they built their idol to worship.  A golden calf a complete and blatant abomination in the eyes of the Lord…But yet they built it, even after witnessing all the miracles of the Lord’s hand who delivered them out of Egypt. Imagine the Father’s pain at seeing His children dancing around and bowing to this golden calf!

Do you have a golden calf in your life today?   Is there something that is keeping your attention away from God?  Is there a preoccupation of sorts that is in your life today, that is preventing your full and complete dedication to God?  Think long and hard about it, God knows you and your heart so you cannot hide. He already knows if you do, even if you don’t know about it yet, He does.

It doesn’t have to be a golden calf per se, but anything that is keeping your attention and devotion from God is in fact, a modern day golden calf.  So, therefore the same as it was in the OT, so it is the same today.

God is the same, He has not changed.  Times have changed, but God stands true and full of wisdom, and love and devotion to us, the ones He created.  He is not walking around texting and sitting in front of a computer diverting His attention from us. So, why therefore are people today doing that to Him? 

There is a certain amount of technology that is welcomed, and of course anything in moderation is okay…I am talking about the extremes, the obessive behavior, the modern day golden calf, the modern day idols.

I listened to this individual going on and on about “this and that” all shallow, and completely empty things in my eyes.  Success is wonderful when it is God given, and He blesses your obedience with certain advantages that may allow you to have an abundance of things.  However, to sit and talk about how great “you are” and how “lucky” you are, and how much you are worth, and proceed to toot your own horn to the point of excess, you “my friend” are in love with yourself and your golden calf. 

My God is my rock, and my eternal lighthouse.  He is the one I exalt and the one I thank.  He is the one I call upon throughout my days and nights.  He is the one I rely on for all things.  He is the one I want to please, the one I want to bow down to. He is the one I adore.  He is my God.  He is my all.

So when I hear the shallow voices of the ones lost in their world of  idols, and listen to the exaltation of “self” and not of  “GOD” – it makes me sad.  I pray silently for these people to wake up and see what their priorities should be.  I feel sorry and I feel  pain for these individuals who live in a flurry of materialistic gains; and think of  their “golden calves” as their gate to respectability, and essential happiness.  It is all hollow and empty.  It is not substantial and full of worth.

God is the one true lighthouse and Rock of salvation.  He is the means of happiness and self fulfillment, and the outlet from which all good things flow. He is the way, He is the truth, He is the one and only GOD.

“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”  Jesus my Savior, how true those words are when you said them, and how true they are today.

Lord I lay down all of what I own and follow you, now and always…I love you.

Are you willing to give up your golden calf for God? 


 Matthew 5:16   “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Dear God: Thank You for Today~

“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”

Mark 10:15  KJV

My husband and I always enjoy our Sundays, and most especially the church service.  Today was no different, except that it was different!  The Holy Spirit had full control and the place was on fire with love for he Lord.  It was bubbling with excitement, praise, joy, and love.

The praise and worship songs were beautiful and led by His presence, which was flowing throughout the entire service. Amen.

Our “family and friends” were there and feeling the fire of the Lord as evidenced by our rejoicing in unison!  I was feeling the love and the full presence of the Holy Spirit as tears were flowing from my eyes. Amen.

Sheri-Ann and Patria, two anointed ladies who have completed a mission this past summer, were speaking about their experiences. How they touched so many children and people they came into contact with. Sheri Ann, who is a beautiful Doctor; her official graduation is May 13th 2012- helped with medical procedures, and provided physical and spiritual healing.  Amen.

Patria, a beautiful lady filled with God’s peace and love, administered to the children and people, tapping into their spiritual side and spoke about Jesus. There were many who gave themselves to Jesus, and still others who decided to return to Jesus.  Amen.

So many God filled themes today, to name a few: A couple who is part of our church were in a motorcycle accident, a car came out of nowhere and hit them going around 120mph.  They were thrown into the air, and they LIVED! They have minor injuries, but they were spared, Praise the Lord!  They came in today, she was on crutches,  and he looked as if nothing ever happened to him!  That is a gift, they were spared; and a testimony to the Lord and His miraculous deeds. Amen.

Second, there were 12 people baptized, and they were all gathered in the front;  the Pastor’s daughter was baptized with her boyfriend, and afterwards, he proposed!  The Pastor Linda Whitton, told about the proposal, we didn’t see it today… Oh, and by the way, she said Yes! Praise the Lord!  Love overflowing. Amen.

The electricity in the church was apparently evident, and it was intoxicating.  The Lord is warmth, love, energy, excitement, protection, and our everlasting drink which soothes and nourishes our very soul. Amen.

Upon exiting the church, my husband and I said goodbyes and hugged our brothers and sisters in Christ and walked to our car.  We were still riding on the power of the Holy Spirit, feeling so revitalized and so complete, and so full of peace. Amen.

God is our central force of all things, He is our focus and our purpose…We need to reach out to others in His name, and do His will.  It is through Him that we are who we are, created for His means.  We need to realize that we are in but a “temporary place” – our eyes and hearts and our mind should be seeking the Kingdom of God, and of things above.  Amen.

He is our comforter, and He never leaves our side.  My King of Kings, and my Lord of Lords, my God…How I love Him, and I just want to “thank You Lord” for today in our Church, your presence was so welcome- as always. Amen.

May His Spirit reside in everyone of you who reads this post, and may He bless you with His peace and His comfort throughout all of your days.  And, may you feel His love encompass you as His light bathes you, shining His glory on you and yours always. Amen.

Lord, did I say “I love you?” 

Lord, did I say, “Thank you?”

Lord, did I say, “I am yours, always”


 Isaiah 51:12 “I, even I, am He who comforts you.”

John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Dear God: I love you for Everything & More~


Matthew 28:20 "...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."


For my life you created for your purpose,

For my blessings you bestowed on me graciously.

For my Protection you provide to me daily,

For my strength that you renew each day.

For my guidance that you have shown me through the years.

For my walk with you that fulfills my yearnings,

For my thirst that you manage to slake continuously.

For my dreams that you allowed to happen,

For my success that you orchestrated.

For my gifts that you have given so freely,

For my fortress that you allow me to seek shelter in.

For my tranquility that you placed in my heart,

For my anxieties that you have quelled.

For my past, present and future,

For the love you give so willingly, each and every second of my days.

For all this and more, Thank you Father.

I bow in your presence and prostrate myself in front of you,

I glorify you and exalt your name on high.

I approach your throne of alabaster white,

I sing holy holy holy.

You are the essence of holiness,

the one Sovereign God.

My King and my Lord of Lords.

Thank you…Thank you.

 I treasure you and your ways,

I love you.


Habakkuk 3:18 NKJV  “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

Dear God: Life Goes by in The Wink of An Eye~


I hear His voice and see Him in all things of beauty~

While on our way to the supermarket earlier this morning,  we rode past the local elementary school, and when we stopped at the cross walk I noticed children jumping rope.  I smiled to myself and in my mind I saw myself  doing the same thing as if it were yesterday!  I saw it so clearly, my hair in a long pony tail, my favorite red shorts on and my polka dot blouse.  I saw my red sneakers with white anklets with delicate lace around the cuff, and could see me and my friends jumping rope. 

Innocent days of cotton candy, jelly apples, the Good Humor man and Mister Softee in my neighborhood.  Sitting on my porch on a hot summer day, with my “Beagle Candy,” and eating chocolate ices; and walking to the store to buy my comic books running all the way home to read them on my wrap around porch, way in the corner!   It was great times, fun times and “feeling so protected times.”

By “feeling so protected” I mean by being so young, and feeling that my dad and my mom would never let anything happen to me.  The feeling of getting into my bed, and knowing my parents were in their bedroom, close by, and wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me.  They were always there for me, always protecting me, and always watching out for me, teaching me, guiding me, loving me. No worries, no anxieties, nothing but peace and happiness.

And, then I realized that all of those things my dad and mom did for me, my Father in heaven has done all along.  Protecting me, watching out for me,  keeping me our of harms way, teaching me, guiding me, loving me; and with all of that going on 24/7, there is an inner peace…no anxieties, nothing but peace and happiness. The Lord is beautiful, and he is in all things of beauty surrounding us with His love.

In retrospect, all my life I was being led by the Spirit, there was always a natural discernment.  The pieces of my “life puzzle” all coming together at different times, for different occasions;  and God was always there to help me with an additional “piece” to complete another journey of my life.

He was always here with me, He is still here with me, and He will never change or diminish in His character, or His harness of protection towards me.  He is my God, my Lord of Lords, my one true love.

The time I didn’t get the job I wanted, a better one showed up a week later.  The time I didn’t get the house we wanted, a better one showed up a month later.  He always knows what is best, and if we hold on to His hand, and walk in His ways, we can always be sure that He will take care of the rest.

So from my “jump rope Barbie doll playing days”…through my teens,  into young adulthood, and now in my “ahem” mature adulthood days; I am ever thankful to God and for all of His love and protection. 

My life is His plan, and He orchestrates it and I move to His music, and His voice.  I embrace all the years past, the years present, and the years to come;  until I am called home to rejoice with my loved ones that passed on, and to live with my Father in heaven.  But most important, I am so thrilled to know that His love will be with me forever.

Now, How amazing is that?


Micah 6:8  “What does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”   

 To be a good Christian requires more than personal devotions and a warm feeling inside. We need to show the world daily what He does inside of us-and do it by examples based on humility, kindness and love.

Michah 7:7 “I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me.’

Whether we like it or not, waiting on God is a huge part of our walk of faith.  We need to trust God and wait for God to do the rest.

Micah 7:18 “Who is a God like You, pardoning inquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage?”

God was never at any time under any obligation to forgive our sins, or our multitude of iniquities.  We do not deserve His grace or mercy; but He loves us unconditionally, and thus sent His son to die for our sins.  Who, I ask you, is a God like that?  

Blessed is your name Lord, we adore you, and we give you thanks~

 I love you Lord – Forever and Always…Amen~



Dear God: I Hear And know Your Words Lord~

Deuteronomy 4:31 "...(for the Lord your God is a merciful God), He will not forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them."



There are so many things that can get our individual attention, and very quickly.  A whistle can turn heads, and it is used for a medley of reasons; one of which is to control an unruly behavior, to begin a race, a sporting event, and so on and so forth.  An attention getter for sure, a loud whistle, a horn blowing, a loud speaker!

Which brings me to the reason for my post…How then does the Lord get our attention?   How does He guide us unto the path of which we were preordained by His very hands?  There are so many avenues and ways.  One very obvious way is a complete unease, a vague and restless spirit; when a soul is not quite satisfied.  Sometimes He may use an event to make a statement; or perhaps use another person who will speak the words of which the Lord wants you to hear.

We need to sharpen our focus and direct it at Him and put Him first; and we are to seek his Godly counsel for all avenues of our life. He is there, always prompting, ever guiding, and waiting for us to love Him.  He is our all consuming fire filled with love, and his holy sovereign presence.

Deuteronomy 5:24″Surely the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard his voice from the midst of the fire..”

The Lord never disappoints, although some may murmer and complain, “The Lord doesn’t speak to me.”  Or, “I stopped praying a long time ago, He doesn’t answer me, and He broke His promise to me.”   It pains me to hear anyone say this, because God is not on a schedule, or more important He is not on man’s schedule.  He is on His own divine path of orchestration in terms of our lives. He cannot be rushed to fit in with our plans, but we must fit into His plans, and wait; and pray, and listen, and watch.

In the days of the Old Testament such as in Daniel’s day, or David’s days, the Lord spoke primarily through dreams; visions and sometimes audibly.  Today, it is mainly through His word, because that is His message to us today.  Also, he does not want us to be involved with anything in the world that is not of scripture…The enemy sits and waits for an entrance to get into your life, a verse can be taken out of context and twisted by man.   Fasle teachers, false information, confusion -babble.  The enemy has his own people scattered about who scheme and attempt to seduce God’s people into sin, and slide into the world of which deviates from the Lord.  However, if we remain true and aware of the traps we will escape them by knowing God’s Word and depending on God’s power for protection and freedom.

 God is not an author of confusion, but of simplicity,  love and peace.  If we are all true to God’s word confusion will not happen, and God will be watching and protecting and awarding His blessings abundantly.  We need to know the context of His word, and understand and then we will see how rewarding God’s promises are.

One of the ways to get motivated to learn His word is to realize and never forget that our holy God lives among us, that knowledge alone should shape the way we live each day.

Numbers 35:34 Therefore do not defile the land which you inhabit, in the midst of which I dwell; for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel.”

The Lord’s promises all those years ago still exist today…He is still our God, our Father, our Creator, our Lord of Lords.  Just as He spoke to Moses and gave His promise to Abraham, and made a covenant with Noah with the rainbow; so then it continues to this very day and age.  He never changes, He lives within our heart and soul. 

He is our purpose and we have a calling and we should be in pursuit of our destiny which the Lord has hewn for our lives.  Listen to that whistle blow.  And, listen to your heart as you seek to attain your purpose in life pursuant to the Kingdom of the Lord our God.

The words of God is sufficient, we are not to add to, or subtract from His word, for it is all there in perfect accord from a perfect God.  Everything we need to know is in there…He speaks to you through those very words.

Hello God, I am listening..


Deuteronomy 4:2 “You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”



Note:  “Picture courtesy of Scott Birge”

Dear God: I hear your voice~

"You are my Oasis in the desert"

Lord I hear your voice in all that I do, no matter where I am.  Sometimes it can be so low and small that I strain to hear you.  Other times it can be powerful and booming, and other times it can be “silent” and yet I hear you.

You are my Oasis in the desert, my refreshment after a draining day, my delight and pleasure in all I see and do….You are my everything.  My fortress in an emotional storm, my rock and foundation of life….and you are in fact, my LIFE.

I just wanted to take this time Lord to give you all glory and honor that you deserve, and as your children before me; David, the prophets, and others who had a heart for you; and who would seek your face, so then do I.

I heard your voice in church today, it was soothing and comforting, as always.  You were there and encompassed all the souls that stood in awe and worship of you, our glorious King of Kings.  Your voice is a welcome sound, and I wait and rest in you Lord, for all of what I attempt to do; and I wait for your commands as you orchestrate the daily illustrations of my life.

Thank you Lord, for all that you are, all that you continue to do, and all that you have been and will be forever and always.  I love to worship you my Lord, 24/7….But, especially in fellowship on the Sabbath – for it is in you we all rest, and we wait for your voice and your command with joy and love.

I love you my Father, Blessed is your name….Amen~

Mark 2:27  And He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.”