Dear God: Thanks for my Old and New Friends~

I realize there are reasons for everything, and all according to purpose and in God’s divine order.  I was always cognizant of my connections in life, but more so as of late.  And, I just wanted to take the time to thank God for bringing all the individuals past, present and future that passed through my life. 

The ones who came into my life during childhood and passed the days with me in summer, playing hopscotch, jump rope-and eating ices on my porch.  The exuberant days of youth still resonant in my heart and my mind’s eye. Thank you God for all of that and more.

And, then there were the individuals who came into my life during my teenage years.  The crazy days of thinking we were infallible, and “we definitely knew it all!”-  Our parents and teachers, and clergy didn’t know half of what we knew! Excitement reigned supreme during the “young adulthood” years…Our wagons were hitched to the highway of life – but not quite the “adult highway” but our friends, and the individuals all supported each other during this critical passage of life.  Thank you God for all of that and more.

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, we were into our “adult passage” of life as we settled down, married or had a significant other with plans to marry.  During that time individuals came through the doors of my life in a flurry – it was a veritable revolving door of individuals, crashing through my world.  Some for a moment, some for months, and others for years. Barbara, my best and closest friend of 19 years- who is now living in your Kingdom.   Thank you God for all of that and more.

And, now I have come to realize, that there is a reason for everything in our lives. That person you smiled at today, perhaps she was in need, and you made her day by doing so.  Or, the older gentleman you noticed wearing a veteran’s baseball cap, and you saluted him – you may have made his day.  Or, the person you met through dear friends, and suddenly you are a mainstay in this individual’s life, being instrumental in their decisions, directions and choices overall.  And, for the new friends you encounter through writing ministries, on the computer – and share mutual interests -and the most important of all, our  GOD and the LOVE OF GOD.  

God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, therein allowing us to be used as “His vessel” as we walk according to His will.  And, sometimes we are not even aware of “the connection at first,” and perhaps some of us never will be; but the important thing to learn from all of this is, “that person you encounter today,  is brought to you by God,” and whatever His goals are for us, as His children-we need to be open and responsive.  Thank you God for this and more.

So to all of the individuals past present and future, that have come into my life, and passed through…Some are gone, some remain, and some have been called home-Thank you for being a part of my life, for the different categories of my life.  And, thank you God, for allowing them to be a part of my world.

To all of my new friends, “I look forward to sharing my love of God with you.”  To all of my old friends, “I look forward to getting older with you as we go through the passages of time.”  And, thank you God for all of this and more, I wait and rest in your Lord-for all things every day of my life.


Peace & God’s Blessings to you all~

Ecclesiastes 1:4 KJV “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.”