Dear God: Why are there some too blind to see?


O Lord you are my Savior~

I am always astounded at how people “get by” in their lives without knowing God!!  How can they go through life not knowing the one who loves them the most and the one who is unconditional 24/7.  The very one who regards them with pure unadulterated love, and who always has His arms outstretched ready to embrace them and provide protection; and what ever they need, any time of day or night.

It is a paradox in itself when I hear people exclaim the Lord’s name in vain… His name isn’t being used in the correct contex, and it shakes me to the very core with righteous indignation when I hear the way my Father’s name is bandied about; the way my Savior’ s name is used for crude banter…O Lord, how it stings my soul, how it burns my heart to hear your children “swear.”  And, then in the very same sentence they espouse endless laments of “God never helps me out.”
My Father although they be blind, with eyes not willing to see, I pray for them to be opened so they may join in eternal salvation in your Kingdom.  I hear cries of the “lost and wounded” souls who are ripe for redemption, but their arms fall short of grasping your outstretched hands. 
I see thorns strewn in their path, and they step on ragged and rocky grounds.  They do not watch where they tread, or what they sow.  They will reap all that they have sown and more.  The negative ones bringing forth their recompense, their twisted cocoon of selfish suffocation, with echoes reverberating, “me me me.”    These individuals never give a thought  for anyone but their own means, their own ways, their own dreams, their own plans.  Never calling to the Father in a way to help guide their path, their lives, and surrendering themselves to the mighty one who saves. 
O’ Father, hear my cry – please bring “sight” to the ones in the dark so they might walk in a path of light -that they may see the “Rock of Ages” who is their only hope;  and the ONLY WAY to eternal life…  and that they might drink from the eternal living waters.  O’ Lord, I call to your generous heart,and sovereign stature as you are  seated on your throne, “Please help  the “destitute in spirit,”  the spiritually bankrupt ones who lack awareness; who turn their eyes and backs away from you –  O’ my Father let them see!” 
I pray for all those who are in need of your love, and  those who already know of your love.  No one different fromt the other, all in need of you – all created by you.  And, all who will face the final judgment…It is just so sad that some will not be in the illumination of your Shekinah Glory – but the dark instead. 
I pray it is not too late, that they get their “sight” soon, along with the heart to reach out to you my Lord.  I pray it is not too late.  Peace, and God’s blessings to you all~
Ezekiel 12:2 KJV    “Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.”