Dear God: Books For You and Messages Too~


Hello Everyone,

I was speaking with two of my friends this morning and they were complaining about the condition of the world as it is today…And, of course mentioned how wonderful it was years ago, when people seemed morally conscious of their choices in life.  This somehow led to movies and entertainment overall. 

During the discussion of entertainment and the “garbage” that seems to be out there in terms of movies and reading – they both said, “That is why we love your books Camille” – and I laughed and said, “You are being good friends saying all the correct things.”  And, the two of them became really serious, almost indignant and replied in stereo, “No we wouldn’t kid you about that.”  And, I was humbled and said, “well thank you- but I cannot take the credit, it all goes to the Lord.”

Thus began another path of dialogue, we spoke of our belief in Jesus and how so many today are shunning Him and His Father.  I then realized something that I have been aware of for so long now; God gave me the gift of writing and wants me to put non-fiction and Christian Fiction out there- for people to receive messages.  And, to give them a reason to cogitate and discover that God really loves them.

My books, especially the first one – Dear God With Love- was my heart speaking directly to My Father and the King of Kings.  It was my soul reaching out in earnest telling Him how much I need Him, and Love Him.  And, it was dedicated, as are all my books- TO HIM. 

There is such a need today for people to pick up a book and see GOD, and the message from GOD- or to read a good Christian novel, unfolding before them with clean content, and yet not boring or unappealing.  This is what we need more of, clean entertainment with Godly messages.  

Today the world is so “in your face” and movies and television series are filled with violence, sex and immorality – in fact it perpetuates throughout television, movie theatres, and the computer!  Yes, we realize that there is evil in the world and that these things do occur, but do we have to “relish and focus” on the jaded side of life?  Is this our vast entertainment value today? I may be showing my age here, but where are the shows like, “Father Knows Best,” “Hazel,”  or “Donna Reed?”  Shows with family morals and values, and comedic overtones as well; true entertainment.  It seems every time  a good family show comes on, it is cancelled!  If that doesn’t speak volumes as to where we are today in society overall – I don’t know what does!

Here is a good point to my litany…There are still so many people out there who have values, who also desire to see “clean entertainment” and read good clean contents in a book.  There are people who still have the “fear of God” in them, and who LOVE the Lord completely and unconditionally.  There are still poeple who will stand up for what is right and who reach out to those in need of guidance.

I am thrilled my friends and others enjoy my books- for it is To God that they were written, and I was led to do so, Praise The Lord.   There will be a day where His name will be One and every knee shall bow, and all proclaim Him to be Lord. And, as long as there are others in the world who feel the same way, it makes me smile- and it gives me everlasting hope… But, most important, I am positive it makes our  Loving Father and our Lord of Lords smile.  Oh Yes!

Blessings to you all~

Zechariah 14:9 NJKV  “…In that day it shall be-The Lord is one, and His name one.”