Dear God – Good Morning!


Just wanted to say “hello” to all of you this morning.  I want you  to fully understand and realize that God loves all of us.  To those who are going through a rough patch right now,  or having to walk through adversity at this particular moment in time – please refrain from ‘negative’ thoughts – stay in the positive mode. Keep praying, and keep believing – never stop for a second, for your Father, my Father – is good, and doesn’t let us down – ever!!

Focus your thoughts on God and not of “yourself” because when you do, almost instantly your issues fall by the wayside…To commune and speak with Jesus is feeling peace, and all worries seemingly fall away.

Faith, adulation of the Lord and complete devotion and trust in Him is the way to go.  I know so many of you who are struggling with issues right now, and although you retain your belief and faith values;  there are some of you second guessing your situation.  You find youself asking, “Why am I not being blessed?” or – “Why am I getting this storm and others have rainbows?”  Remember God sees that which we cannot – his understanding is not our understanding…And, so therefore we must yield to the Spirit at all times, especially in controversy.

It is to the Lord we must convey our feelings of hope and look to Him for His promise that will always be fulfilled.  He is a God of compassion and love and He will not forsake us.  It is our very constitution that was constructed by our Creator – He did not create a Spirit of fear or anxiety – that would be going in another direction – off the path of light and into darkness.  Stay with the Light, stay with the positive mode of thought, and stay focused on HIM.

May God Bless all of you and may He give you reinforcement daily as you ingest and digest His very word and His love.

Blessings & Peace~

Isaiah 7:9 “…If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established.”