Dear God: Life Can Be Tough~


Matthew 28:20 "And lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen"

Life in itself can be tough, walking and jumping over hurdles can be tiresome.  It can appear at any given time – hurdles and adversities.  We may think we are riding the sea of tranquility, when suddenly out of nowhere, “turbulence.”   You feel as if you are riding the waves of destruction, and sinking in a sea of hopelessness.  What do you do now?  The answer should be clear and simple in response – “Run to God…Your harbor, your anchor, your everything.”

Life in itself can be daunting, with all of the preoccupations we as a society overall face each and every day….However, with God,-the situations we face becomes exceedingly easy with Him.   Loving Him is easy, praying to Him is easier still, but trusting Him can be hard for some people. 

This is when our faith is truly tested, during adversity, during hardhips.  This is when we need to fully and completely surrender to our Lord our God, in loving repose, and submission.  We should not hesistate to run to our Father with anything at any time – He is always awake, and always there for us.  How amazing is that?

It is a work in progress our relationship with God.  He created our souls, brought us into this world, knew us in our mom’s wombs; and wants the very best for us- and all He wants in return is “love” and devotion and honoring Him. As we get to know Him on an intimate level, and read His word, we open ourselves to more understanding, and full recompense of His ways, which in turn shall become our ways.  We are created in His image, and we strive to become more like Christ.  Thus, the work in progress…We are ever changing.

The bible, His “love letter” to His children, is a basic survival book for all of us.  He guides us, explains to us, feeds us with His knowledge and His love.  This and the Holy Spirit, which He provides for our purposes – to protect, and keep us strong and safe; and give us wisdom, and whatever else we ask for.  We first of course must “ask.”  We must “seek.”  We must “knock.” 

I sit and give thanks to God for all things, every day of my life…And I am so blessed that He loves me, and is there for me.  I  was blessed that this past horrific hurricane Irene “passed over” us without a problem…THANK YOU LORD!   I am sorry for the less fortunate ones who are suffering at this writing in the aftermath of Irene.  And to those who lost their lives, my sympathy and my heart goes out to all of them. 

Never abandon the Lord, for He never abandons us….His amazing arms and love never cease, and He is a forgiving God.  I love Him so much, I could burst with emotions.

For those of you reading this, I pray you have an intimate relationship with God, and that you seek His face and His love all day long.  That you carry in your heart, the teachings of Christ, our Savior “Yeshua” – our precious King of Kings.  That you bear witness to the word of God and His ways…And you walk according to His will.

If you haven’t already done so – Please acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and accept Him in your heart.  He is always ready and waiting…The question here is, “what are you waiting for?”

John 1:14 NKJV “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten son of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

John 3:17 NKJV “...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”


Dear God: I will never thirst again- I choose Jesus~

"Drink from the living water and never thirst again...I love you Jesus"



Big storm coming this weekend for the eastern seaboard…Hurricane Irene.  Now I am assuming that the people who are named Irene are either flattered, annoyed, getting flack from all of their acquaintances, or all of the above.

The thing is, I really don’t understand why the storms have to be named after “people” – I need to look up the origin of why and how this whole tradition started.  I believe it should be named after cars; they resemble storms somewhat… if you really think about it.

Cars can be slow or fast, and can go in different directions.  A storm can be slow or fast in approaching, and can go in different directions.  You can get into a car wreck, and it can cause irreparable damage.  A storm can wreak havoc and cause irreparble damage.  You can lose your life in a car, you can lose your life in a storm.  As grim as this seems, do you see the connection?  I think I will call who ever is in charge of “naming the storms” and suggest what I have just written there.  Instead of Irene, it could have been called, “The Mercedes-Benz Hurricane” – it has a better ring to it too.  No humiliation to the person who the storm is named after, and no jokes, nothing. 

Now, a person can approach slowly or quickly, they too can go in all  directions…The person can cause a “wreck” in a relationship, and they can do “irreparable harm” as well.  And, sadly there are people who can “kill” others, metaphorically, and literally. 

As a Christian, I approach Jesus quickly, and I want to go with Him and the Word in all directions, and I want to form a relationship, and LIVE with Him through all eternity.  There are those who do not choose to go this route, and who will “die” and invariably wreak havoc on their own “lives” and their own “souls.”

Now although we do not have a choice in “naming a Hurricane,” we do, however, have a choice where Jesus Christ is concerned.  We can approach Him slowly, and learn His word quickly…We can go in His direction, and follow Him in all directions; and we can form a lasting relationship with Jesus, and live. 

I choose Christ as my only Savior, and God as my Father.  I know He lived and died for me (us), and He promises us eternal salvation;  and to live with Him in Paradise, drinking from the Living Waters, never to thirst again.  To be free of pain, misery, stress…To be free and love fully and openly, to be in existence forever and always. And, to be reunited with my loved ones, my handsome Daddy; my best friend Barbara, and all of those who have gone to eternal life in Paradise with our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

A person has a choice of Life or Death.  Life in Christ, or death without Him…You have a choice, which way will you turn?  Don’t be a storm in the destruction of your life; let the Lord Jesus Christ be your safe harbor, come in out of the storm, and rest in His tranquil waters and live forever….Amen~

Psalm 37:39 NKJV “But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble”


Dear God: Christians Love You and Your Word~


Psalm 119:105 NKJV " Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

I was in church this past Sunday, and while sitting with my husband and friends- I looked around and realized how many people are hungry for our Father’s words.  It was never so apparently clear as it was this past Sunday.  I have always known that people were hungry but this week was different.  There were “new people” who came in, friends of friends, visitors and some “walk-ins” half-way through the service.

Sherri-Ann Brown was the preacher, a gifted and talented young woman – filled with God’s anointing.  She is a Doctor, and an evangelistic Angel.  She has gone through the inner cities of tough neighborhoods, and most recently in Philadelphia.  She accomplished so much within her time there, going door to door, knocking on over a thousand doors- and was able to get into about 500. 

She helped diagnose patients, contributed to their overall physical flesh bodies, but tapped into their spirits as well.  The hungry wanted to be “fed” the word.  The ones with eyes to see and eyes to hear, looked and listened, while being tended to in the physical sense.  Their spiritual sense was being ministered to as well. In turn, she was doing the Lord’s work, by providing love and help to those in need…And, also bringing forth the word of God, the very word of our Lord. And, most were hungry for the word.

The Pastor’s wife, Linda Whitton – was hysterical as always.  She is filled with love and the light of our Lord as evidenced by her smile, and just her presence, it is clearly a God appointed presence.  Anyhow, she was shopping and in the produce department of the supermarket, she approached ladies to ask if they knew about “the word of God” from the  woman’s perspective…And, some were not receptive of her presence,  still others were very receptive.  She even went into Dunkin’ Donuts  and approached people there, and she said, “one girls eyes became wide with interest and exctiement” – again, hungry for the word.

I went into Petco, and the cashier’s name was Luke.  I smiled at him and he smiled back, “Did you now Luke is one of my favorite names?”  He said, “Oh really?”  I continued, “Yes, and it is one of my favorite Gospel books in the Bible.”  He looked at me with a serious look and replied, “Sadly, I have never read it.”  I continued with, “Well, it is never too late – pick it up tonight and read it, you will love it.  Anything to do with Jesus is phenomenal.”  He smiled and said, “You know what, I am curious – I will.”

Now, I don’t know if the young man will go into his bible or not, but he appeared “hungry for the word” and hopefully a seed was planted and he will check it out. The point of this entry is , there are so many lost souls out there, or misguided individuals who need help-some are in grocery stores, Dunkin’ Donuts stores, Petco stores…Just look around, “hungry eyes” are all about us.  Hungry souls.

Work from people like Sherri-Ann Brown, MD – Pastor Linda Whitton, RN- and people such as yourselves reading this article.  When you go out today, look around and take note, reach into people’s hearts and be led by the spirit.  There isn’t anything we cannot accomplish through God. As long as God is in our lives, and in our hearts – we can do anything with Him in our corner.  You will be blessed when you follow His word and His doctrine.

Thanks Sherri-Ann, thanks Linda and to countless others who strive to do the Lord’s work each and everyday of their lives. All brothers and sisters and all one body in Christ.  

Now go and shine your light before all.~


Jonah 2:2 “I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me.”

Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”


Dear God: Thanks for my Old and New Friends~

I realize there are reasons for everything, and all according to purpose and in God’s divine order.  I was always cognizant of my connections in life, but more so as of late.  And, I just wanted to take the time to thank God for bringing all the individuals past, present and future that passed through my life. 

The ones who came into my life during childhood and passed the days with me in summer, playing hopscotch, jump rope-and eating ices on my porch.  The exuberant days of youth still resonant in my heart and my mind’s eye. Thank you God for all of that and more.

And, then there were the individuals who came into my life during my teenage years.  The crazy days of thinking we were infallible, and “we definitely knew it all!”-  Our parents and teachers, and clergy didn’t know half of what we knew! Excitement reigned supreme during the “young adulthood” years…Our wagons were hitched to the highway of life – but not quite the “adult highway” but our friends, and the individuals all supported each other during this critical passage of life.  Thank you God for all of that and more.

Suddenly in a blink of an eye, we were into our “adult passage” of life as we settled down, married or had a significant other with plans to marry.  During that time individuals came through the doors of my life in a flurry – it was a veritable revolving door of individuals, crashing through my world.  Some for a moment, some for months, and others for years. Barbara, my best and closest friend of 19 years- who is now living in your Kingdom.   Thank you God for all of that and more.

And, now I have come to realize, that there is a reason for everything in our lives. That person you smiled at today, perhaps she was in need, and you made her day by doing so.  Or, the older gentleman you noticed wearing a veteran’s baseball cap, and you saluted him – you may have made his day.  Or, the person you met through dear friends, and suddenly you are a mainstay in this individual’s life, being instrumental in their decisions, directions and choices overall.  And, for the new friends you encounter through writing ministries, on the computer – and share mutual interests -and the most important of all, our  GOD and the LOVE OF GOD.  

God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, therein allowing us to be used as “His vessel” as we walk according to His will.  And, sometimes we are not even aware of “the connection at first,” and perhaps some of us never will be; but the important thing to learn from all of this is, “that person you encounter today,  is brought to you by God,” and whatever His goals are for us, as His children-we need to be open and responsive.  Thank you God for this and more.

So to all of the individuals past present and future, that have come into my life, and passed through…Some are gone, some remain, and some have been called home-Thank you for being a part of my life, for the different categories of my life.  And, thank you God, for allowing them to be a part of my world.

To all of my new friends, “I look forward to sharing my love of God with you.”  To all of my old friends, “I look forward to getting older with you as we go through the passages of time.”  And, thank you God for all of this and more, I wait and rest in your Lord-for all things every day of my life.


Peace & God’s Blessings to you all~

Ecclesiastes 1:4 KJV “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.”


Dear God: Why are there some too blind to see?


O Lord you are my Savior~

I am always astounded at how people “get by” in their lives without knowing God!!  How can they go through life not knowing the one who loves them the most and the one who is unconditional 24/7.  The very one who regards them with pure unadulterated love, and who always has His arms outstretched ready to embrace them and provide protection; and what ever they need, any time of day or night.

It is a paradox in itself when I hear people exclaim the Lord’s name in vain… His name isn’t being used in the correct contex, and it shakes me to the very core with righteous indignation when I hear the way my Father’s name is bandied about; the way my Savior’ s name is used for crude banter…O Lord, how it stings my soul, how it burns my heart to hear your children “swear.”  And, then in the very same sentence they espouse endless laments of “God never helps me out.”
My Father although they be blind, with eyes not willing to see, I pray for them to be opened so they may join in eternal salvation in your Kingdom.  I hear cries of the “lost and wounded” souls who are ripe for redemption, but their arms fall short of grasping your outstretched hands. 
I see thorns strewn in their path, and they step on ragged and rocky grounds.  They do not watch where they tread, or what they sow.  They will reap all that they have sown and more.  The negative ones bringing forth their recompense, their twisted cocoon of selfish suffocation, with echoes reverberating, “me me me.”    These individuals never give a thought  for anyone but their own means, their own ways, their own dreams, their own plans.  Never calling to the Father in a way to help guide their path, their lives, and surrendering themselves to the mighty one who saves. 
O’ Father, hear my cry – please bring “sight” to the ones in the dark so they might walk in a path of light -that they may see the “Rock of Ages” who is their only hope;  and the ONLY WAY to eternal life…  and that they might drink from the eternal living waters.  O’ Lord, I call to your generous heart,and sovereign stature as you are  seated on your throne, “Please help  the “destitute in spirit,”  the spiritually bankrupt ones who lack awareness; who turn their eyes and backs away from you –  O’ my Father let them see!” 
I pray for all those who are in need of your love, and  those who already know of your love.  No one different fromt the other, all in need of you – all created by you.  And, all who will face the final judgment…It is just so sad that some will not be in the illumination of your Shekinah Glory – but the dark instead. 
I pray it is not too late, that they get their “sight” soon, along with the heart to reach out to you my Lord.  I pray it is not too late.  Peace, and God’s blessings to you all~
Ezekiel 12:2 KJV    “Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.”

Dear God: Books For You and Messages Too~


Hello Everyone,

I was speaking with two of my friends this morning and they were complaining about the condition of the world as it is today…And, of course mentioned how wonderful it was years ago, when people seemed morally conscious of their choices in life.  This somehow led to movies and entertainment overall. 

During the discussion of entertainment and the “garbage” that seems to be out there in terms of movies and reading – they both said, “That is why we love your books Camille” – and I laughed and said, “You are being good friends saying all the correct things.”  And, the two of them became really serious, almost indignant and replied in stereo, “No we wouldn’t kid you about that.”  And, I was humbled and said, “well thank you- but I cannot take the credit, it all goes to the Lord.”

Thus began another path of dialogue, we spoke of our belief in Jesus and how so many today are shunning Him and His Father.  I then realized something that I have been aware of for so long now; God gave me the gift of writing and wants me to put non-fiction and Christian Fiction out there- for people to receive messages.  And, to give them a reason to cogitate and discover that God really loves them.

My books, especially the first one – Dear God With Love- was my heart speaking directly to My Father and the King of Kings.  It was my soul reaching out in earnest telling Him how much I need Him, and Love Him.  And, it was dedicated, as are all my books- TO HIM. 

There is such a need today for people to pick up a book and see GOD, and the message from GOD- or to read a good Christian novel, unfolding before them with clean content, and yet not boring or unappealing.  This is what we need more of, clean entertainment with Godly messages.  

Today the world is so “in your face” and movies and television series are filled with violence, sex and immorality – in fact it perpetuates throughout television, movie theatres, and the computer!  Yes, we realize that there is evil in the world and that these things do occur, but do we have to “relish and focus” on the jaded side of life?  Is this our vast entertainment value today? I may be showing my age here, but where are the shows like, “Father Knows Best,” “Hazel,”  or “Donna Reed?”  Shows with family morals and values, and comedic overtones as well; true entertainment.  It seems every time  a good family show comes on, it is cancelled!  If that doesn’t speak volumes as to where we are today in society overall – I don’t know what does!

Here is a good point to my litany…There are still so many people out there who have values, who also desire to see “clean entertainment” and read good clean contents in a book.  There are people who still have the “fear of God” in them, and who LOVE the Lord completely and unconditionally.  There are still poeple who will stand up for what is right and who reach out to those in need of guidance.

I am thrilled my friends and others enjoy my books- for it is To God that they were written, and I was led to do so, Praise The Lord.   There will be a day where His name will be One and every knee shall bow, and all proclaim Him to be Lord. And, as long as there are others in the world who feel the same way, it makes me smile- and it gives me everlasting hope… But, most important, I am positive it makes our  Loving Father and our Lord of Lords smile.  Oh Yes!

Blessings to you all~

Zechariah 14:9 NJKV  “…In that day it shall be-The Lord is one, and His name one.”

Dear God – Good Morning!


Just wanted to say “hello” to all of you this morning.  I want you  to fully understand and realize that God loves all of us.  To those who are going through a rough patch right now,  or having to walk through adversity at this particular moment in time – please refrain from ‘negative’ thoughts – stay in the positive mode. Keep praying, and keep believing – never stop for a second, for your Father, my Father – is good, and doesn’t let us down – ever!!

Focus your thoughts on God and not of “yourself” because when you do, almost instantly your issues fall by the wayside…To commune and speak with Jesus is feeling peace, and all worries seemingly fall away.

Faith, adulation of the Lord and complete devotion and trust in Him is the way to go.  I know so many of you who are struggling with issues right now, and although you retain your belief and faith values;  there are some of you second guessing your situation.  You find youself asking, “Why am I not being blessed?” or – “Why am I getting this storm and others have rainbows?”  Remember God sees that which we cannot – his understanding is not our understanding…And, so therefore we must yield to the Spirit at all times, especially in controversy.

It is to the Lord we must convey our feelings of hope and look to Him for His promise that will always be fulfilled.  He is a God of compassion and love and He will not forsake us.  It is our very constitution that was constructed by our Creator – He did not create a Spirit of fear or anxiety – that would be going in another direction – off the path of light and into darkness.  Stay with the Light, stay with the positive mode of thought, and stay focused on HIM.

May God Bless all of you and may He give you reinforcement daily as you ingest and digest His very word and His love.

Blessings & Peace~

Isaiah 7:9 “…If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established.”

Dear God – You are Peace in My Heart~

 Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.


Colossians 3:15

New King James Version (NKJV)

 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”



Hello Everyone,

It has been awhile since I posted, but I must be inspired by God in order to sit down and post something on my website.  Today, I was inspired, and so here I am.

The Lord is a presence that you almost cannot put into words.  His presence is overpowering and overwhelming, and so beautiful at once.  He is living in me, and I feel peace in my heart at all times because of it.  He is the drink of water that soothes my parched throat, and fills my soul.  He is the mighty presence I sense and feel stronger at some times more than others…Such as when I am singing a spontaneous song of praise while I am all alone in my kitchen washing dishes.  Or, in the shower thinking of a certain scripture, or something quickens in my soul.  Or when I am praying, and truly crying out to the Lord, and then I feel tears coursing down my cheeks and I actually hear myself wailing out loud.

Each one of you will have a different scenario to speak of, He will manifest His presence to all of us in different ways, but it will always be a warm and loving feeling.  It is in your heart, where all of it begins and all of it grows…He knows our heart, and His children love His. 

I feel compelled to tell the word about Jesus – Pray to the Lord in His son’s name, Bless the Lord’s name…Give thanks…Walk in praise of His name, exalt Him to the highest.  Be positive and realize that God is our Light and is our perfect peace.  We are to recognize that love and accept Jesus as our personal savior and drink from His living water…We shall always be alive, and bask in His Glory, the Holy one of Heaven.  No one can compare to the Glory of His name, there is no shadow in His presence.  No once can compare to Him…He is our Lamb, our Shepherd, our Fortress our everything.  Our God.

The one we run to for everything, the one we talk to in both good and trying times.  The one we fellowship with, the one who lives in our hearts….The one who created us and created ALL.

You Lord are my inspiration, you inspire me everyday, you give me hope, and challenge me to go further as you bless me abundantly, as I give you all the Glory and Honor always. 

Thank you Lord, I love you…Bless you Lord, Bless your name forever…And, I bow to your Glory.  You are Lord, you are Holy…you are my Abba Father.  Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Blessings Peace and God’s Love to All~