Life in itself can be tough, walking and jumping over hurdles can be tiresome. It can appear at any given time – hurdles and adversities. We may think we are riding the sea of tranquility, when suddenly out of nowhere, “turbulence.” You feel as if you are riding the waves of destruction, and sinking in a sea of hopelessness. What do you do now? The answer should be clear and simple in response – “Run to God…Your harbor, your anchor, your everything.”
Life in itself can be daunting, with all of the preoccupations we as a society overall face each and every day….However, with God,-the situations we face becomes exceedingly easy with Him. Loving Him is easy, praying to Him is easier still, but trusting Him can be hard for some people.
This is when our faith is truly tested, during adversity, during hardhips. This is when we need to fully and completely surrender to our Lord our God, in loving repose, and submission. We should not hesistate to run to our Father with anything at any time – He is always awake, and always there for us. How amazing is that?
It is a work in progress our relationship with God. He created our souls, brought us into this world, knew us in our mom’s wombs; and wants the very best for us- and all He wants in return is “love” and devotion and honoring Him. As we get to know Him on an intimate level, and read His word, we open ourselves to more understanding, and full recompense of His ways, which in turn shall become our ways. We are created in His image, and we strive to become more like Christ. Thus, the work in progress…We are ever changing.
The bible, His “love letter” to His children, is a basic survival book for all of us. He guides us, explains to us, feeds us with His knowledge and His love. This and the Holy Spirit, which He provides for our purposes – to protect, and keep us strong and safe; and give us wisdom, and whatever else we ask for. We first of course must “ask.” We must “seek.” We must “knock.”
I sit and give thanks to God for all things, every day of my life…And I am so blessed that He loves me, and is there for me. I was blessed that this past horrific hurricane Irene “passed over” us without a problem…THANK YOU LORD! I am sorry for the less fortunate ones who are suffering at this writing in the aftermath of Irene. And to those who lost their lives, my sympathy and my heart goes out to all of them.
Never abandon the Lord, for He never abandons us….His amazing arms and love never cease, and He is a forgiving God. I love Him so much, I could burst with emotions.
For those of you reading this, I pray you have an intimate relationship with God, and that you seek His face and His love all day long. That you carry in your heart, the teachings of Christ, our Savior “Yeshua” – our precious King of Kings. That you bear witness to the word of God and His ways…And you walk according to His will.
If you haven’t already done so – Please acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and accept Him in your heart. He is always ready and waiting…The question here is, “what are you waiting for?”
John 1:14 NKJV “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only begotten son of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 3:17 NKJV “...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”